Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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EDAF95/EDAN40 Reading Advice

L1 Introduction1, 2 1, 22
L2 Overview3, 4, 5, 6, 71, 3, 44, 5, 6, 73, 4
L3 Prelude10, 115  
Programming environment, testing 6 1, 25
L4 Types, Typeclasses, Data Structures12, 13, 14, 162, 73, 86, 13
L5 Style, IO, A188, 9 7
L6 Functors, Monads1811, 131214
L7 Evaluation, Memoization17, 20 15 
L8 Monadic parsing  13 
L9 Parallel Computations   24
XL1 Reasoning About Programs9 16 

Thompson - The craft of Functional Programming, 3rd ed.

LYAHGG - Learn you a Haskell for great good

Hutton - Functional Programming, 2nd ed.

RWH - Real World Haskell

XL2 - see textbooks in mathematics and theory of computing