
Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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You can either do a project using the Scene Graph Framework (build upon Assignment 1), or using our software framework (Assignment 2) and implement bandwidth-reducing algorithms.

Guidelines and code

  • LaTeX files for the written report (the guidelines were created using these LaTeX files, and it is recommended that you use these files for your report). You can try TexMaker for working with LaTeX.
  • Code for the "Graphics Hardare Optimization"-project: this contains the software framework you used for Assignment 2, and it has a new scene added to it (press '5' to activate it, and press space to animate). This is the scene you should use for benchmarking. Note that multitexturing is used.
  • Important note: the code in the bullet above was made for Visual Studio 2003, it should easily be converted to VS 05, VS 08 and compile there.
  • The assignment should be completed in pairs (two people).
  • SceneGraph Framework (RenderChimp)
  • For creating PWN models, create an OBJ model and use this converter.
  • A zip file (32MB) containing .exe versions of most of the RenderChimp projects from 2009.


  • The project should be finished by the 2009-12-04 before 12:00 (lunch time) in order to pass this part of the course. If you fail to hand in your project by that time, you are welcome to hand in the project by 13th January 2010.
  • Email your project to both Michael Doggett (mike at and Magnus Andersson (magnusa at
  • Everyone should send us a report and source code.

Non-compulsory competition
If you want to you can enter a non-compulsory (and friendly) competition. For more information, see the Guidelines above. Send an email to both Mike and Magnus if you want to be part of the competition.

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