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Focus Practices

In the project part of this course you will develop a product using XP and its practices. We are aware that there is a risk that you get too focused on the product and forget about XP and its practices. We want you to get a deeper insight into the practices of XP, how and why they work together. And we want to help you fulfill the Team Goals.

It is difficult to handle everything at once. Therefore, we will put special focus on a few things at each iteration. This doesn't mean that you should ignore the other things. Try to use all XP practices and fulfill all Team Goals during each iteration. But think especially about the issues that are in focus.

  • Before each iteration, you should review some things from the course literature. This is part of your individual "spike-work".
  • During the long lab, you should try especially hard at these things.
  • After the long lab, (either at the end of the long lab or later the same evening), each team participant should take a few minutes to reflect over these issues, and fill in some written reflections at (replace XX with your team number)
  • At the subsequent planning meeting, the team should discuss and reflect over these issues together. A summary should be added to the reflection page within 24 hours after the planning meeting.

Iteration 1

The focus is on pair programming, but other practices are also important. Read:

  • The book excerpt about pair programming by Williams and Kessler (in the material for F4). Summary at Seven habits.
  • Practise Pair Programming (p. 29 in chromatic)
  • Adopt Test-Driven Development (p. 25)
  • Integrate Continually (p. 34)

Iteration 2

The focus is on test-driven development, but other practices are also important. Read:

  • The book excerpt "How do you write a program?" by Wake (in the material for F4)
  • Adopt Test-Driven Development (p. 25)
  • Adopt Collective Code Ownership (p. 32)
  • Develop Coding Standards (p. 21)
  • Release Regularly (p. 41)

Iteration 3

The focus is on Refactoring and Simple Design. Read:

  • The article about refactoring and bad smells in code, by Fowler (in the material for F5)
  • Refactor Mercilessly (p. 18 in chromatic)
  • Code and Design Simply (p. 16)
  • Develop a Common Vocabulary (p. 23)

Iteration 4

The focus is on planning and collaboration with the customer. Read:

  • Play the Planning Game (p. 38)
  • Release Regularly (p. 41)
  • Add a Customer to the Team (p. 36)
  • Work at a Sustainable Pace (p. 43)

Iteration 5

The focus is on making sure all team goals are fulfilled. Read:

  • Team goals
  • Are there areas where you need to improve? Review the relevant literature.

Iteration 6

The focus is on maintaining all team goals.

An implicit ingredient in many of the team goals is working in small steps. Where can you improve in this respect?
