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Presence is obligatory for all activities on the PVG-projects (see the course description).

In case of absence you must, as soon as possible, notify by email and/or phone:

  • the course secretary Lena Ohlsson - 046/222 80 40, and/or
    the absence responsible Lars Bendix - 046/222 37 41
  • AND always remember to notify your coaches and your team, so that they can plan for your absence.

All absence will be registered - even being 5 minutes late for an activity - and Lars Bendix has been appointed to handle absence. There are two types of absence:

  • LEGITIMATE absence (illness, going to court, having a baby, or similar causes). In this case you can continue the project and you will be given a compensation assignment, that will take about the same time as you take away from your team's effort and that will be of help to your team.
  • ILLEGITIMATE absence (being late, forgetting planning meetings, going on holiday, going to other lectures or similar causes). In this case you fail the project part and will have to take it all again next year. However, if there are really good reasons, you might be pardoned once and given a penalty assignment, that will take at least twice the time you steal from your team (minimum 2 hours) and that will be of help to your team.