Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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You sign up for each lab in Canvas.

There are mandatory preparations in both labs, see links below. The lab2 preparations take significantly longer than the preparations for lab1.

Java is installed on LTH computers, but you will need the Java Runtime Environment if you are running on your own laptop. To check if you have Java installed on your machine, type this in a terminal window:


java -version


Version 17 is recommended, but 8 and 11 is also ok. If the command above gives an error about something missing you need to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE). It is recommended to install the whole Java Develoment Kit (JDK), which includes the JRE, from here  or if you are on Ubuntu or WSL just write this in terminal: sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-source

If you are on Linux you can download the reqT jar with this command in terminal:




Run the reqT.jar using java -jar reqT.jar and the following output shold be shown. You need the latest version of reqT as shown below for java versions later than Java 11.


$ java -jar reqT.jar

** Welcome to reqT version 3.1.7
** Snapshot build number: 569
** Scala version 2.12.17
** Java  version 17.0.5 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM

**                  _______
**                 |__   __|
**   _ __  ___   __ _ | |      reqT - a requirements engineering tool
**  |  __|/ _ \ / _  || |
**  | |  |  __/| (_| || |      (c) 2010-2022, Lund University
**  |_|   \___| \__  ||_|      Open Source BSD-2-clause license
**                 | |
**                 |_|

** Type  edit      to start model editor gui
** Type  :help     for help on the Scala interpreter
** Type  :pa       to enter paste mode
** Type  :q        to exit when all sub-threads are done
** Type  sys.exit  to exit and terminate all threads
** Type  Feature?  to get help on a concept, e.g. Feature


Lab 1: Context, Features and Priorities

Lab 2: Quality requirements and Release Planning