
Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Theme D


November 2009 update

The main part of the work within Theme D is devoted to the ongoing interview study on challenges and opportunities in RE+V&V-alignment.
•    13 interviews performed at Sony Ericsson, 10 transcribed and 7 coded.
•    Workshop within Theme D held in Lund 2009-11-16
•    Contacts established at BAE Systems Hägglunds in Örnsköldsvik: 3 interviews performed.
•    Introduction of a new PhD student at BTH (Michael Unterkalmsteiner)
Planned activities:
•    3 interviews at Bombardier
•    Interviews at AXIS
•    Analysis of interview data
SWELL (VINNOVA funded research school on V&V);
•    Via SWELL established a new company contact, QTema, which are consulting within requirements and test.
•    Survey about requirements and test with QTema with about 50 of their customers

•    Prototype implementation of the Scope Tracker tool has been presented to companies to get feedback.   
•    Continued improvement of Scope Tracker
•    Extending the interview study about large-scale RE

•    On-going work on how quality requirements are specified in industry. A document study has been conducted.
•    On-going work on software cost estimation of quality requirements. Eight in-depth interviews in an agile environment have been transcribed and the analysis and writing process have started.
•    On-going work on developing practical guidelines for QUPER’s cost view, and a more detailed guideline for QUPER’s benefit view. The guidelines are developed and the writing process has started.
•    On-going work on evaluating QUPER in another case study in a different domain.

•    Continued work with above on-going studies.
•    QUPER dissemination.
•    A literature review on software product line testing, is completed by and submitted to IST, special issue on Software Product Line Engineering.
•    On-going survey on regression testing state of practice, web based survey launched for validation of focus group results
•    On-going web survey on regression testing state of practice, in cooperation with SAST (Swedish Association on Software Testing).
•    Emelie Engström is compiling her licentiate thesis, to be finished Feb/March 2010

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