Books by Bjorn Regnell
Experimentation in Software Engineering

Wohlin, C., Runeson, P., Höst, M., Ohlsson, M.C., Regnell, B., Wesslén, A.
ISBN 978-3-642-29043-5
Like other sciences and engineering disciplines, software engineering requires a cycle of model building, experimentation, and learning. Experiments are valuable tools for all software engineers who are involved in evaluating and choosing between different methods, techniques, languages and tools.
The purpose of Experimentation in Software Engineering is to introduce students, teachers, researchers, and practitioners to empirical studies in software engineering, using controlled experiments. The introduction to experimentation is provided through a process perspective, and the focus is on the steps that we have to go through to perform an experiment. The book is divided into three parts. The first part provides a background of theories and methods used in experimentation. Part II then devotes one chapter to each of the five experiment steps: scoping, planning, execution, analysis, and result presentation. Part III completes the presentation with two examples. Assignments and statistical material are provided in appendixes. Overall the book provides indispensable information regarding empirical studies in particular for experiments, but also for case studies, systematic literature reviews, and surveys. It is a revision of the authors’ book, which was published in 2000. In addition, substantial new material, e.g. concerning systematic literature reviews and case study research, is introduced.
Case Study Research in Software Engineering - Guidelines and Examples

Runeson, Per / Host, Martin / Rainer, Austen / Regnell, Bjorn
2012. 254 Pages, Hardcover
ISBN-10: 1-118-10435-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-118-10435-4 - John Wiley & Sons
This is the first software engineering specific book on the case study research method. Based on the authors' own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international corporations, the book presents detailed practical guidelines on the preparation, conduct, design, and reporting of case studies of software engineering. The authors use real-world experience from studies at IBM and Sony Ericsson to support their theories and provide research solutions applicable to current industry. The book is aimed at researchers and students (postgraduate/Masters, doctoral students, and postdoctoral students up to senior researchers) in software engineering.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality
Regnell, Björn; Damian, Daniela (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-642-28713-8
18th Working Conference, REFSQ 2012, Essen, Germany, March 19-22, 2012, Proceedings, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7195, Subseries: Programming and Software Engineering
Requirements Engineering (RE) has long been recognized as a major factor for achieving high quality of software-intensive, computer-based systems and services. REFSQ seeks reports of novel ideas and techniques that enhance RE processes and artifacts as well as reflections on current research and industrial practice about and in RE.
Out of the 84 peer-reviewed submissions, a total of 27 papers were accepted (14 long papers, including 10 Full Research papers and 4 Experience Report papers; as well as 13 short papers, including 9 Research Preview papers, 1 Vision paper, and 3 Problem Statement papers). This yields an 18% acceptance rate for long papers, and a 32% overall acceptance rate.
Experimentation in software engineering: an introduction (Replaced by extended 2nd edition above)

Claes Wohlin, Per Runeson, Martin Höst, Magnus C Ohlsson, Björn Regnell, Anders Wesslén
ISBN 0-7923-8682-5
Springer / Kluwer, 2000
The purpose of Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction is to introduce students, teachers, researchers, and practitioners to experimentation and experimental evaluation with a focus on software engineering. The objective is, in particular, to provide guidelines for performing experiments evaluating methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. The introduction is provided through a process perspective. The focus is on the steps that we go through to perform experiments and quasi-experiments. The process also includes other types of empirical studies.
The scope of Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction is primarily experiments in software engineering as a means for evaluating methods, techniques and tools. The book provides some information regarding empirical studies in general, including both case studies and surveys. The intention is to provide a brief understanding of these strategies and in particular to relate them to experimentation.
Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction is suitable for use as a textbook or a secondary text for graduate courses, and for researchers and practitioners interested in an empirical approach to software engineering.
Software Business

Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels, Belgium, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 80
Regnell, Björn; van de Weerd, Inge; De Troyer, Olga (Eds.)2011, ISBN 978-3-642-21543-8
This year's conference theme "Managing Software Innovation for Tomorrow's Business" reflects the specific challenges in the research domain of software business. The 14 papers accepted for ICSOB were selected from 27 submissions covering topics like software ecosystems, usage of open source software, software as a service, and software product and project management. The volume is completed by a short summary of the keynote and the two workshops (EPIC 2011 "Third Workshop on Leveraging Empirical Research Results for Software Business," and IWSECO 2011 "Third International Workshop on Software Ecosystems") preceding the main conference.
Att genomföra examensarbete

Martin Höst, Björn Regnell, Per Runeson
Studentlitteratur, 2006, ISBN: 9789144005218
Alla civilingenjörs- och ingenjörsutbildningar avslutas med ett examensarbete. Detta innebär ett helt nytt sätt att arbeta jämfört med tidigare kurser. Från att ha varit förhållandevis styrd ska man nu klara sig själv i mycket större utsträckning. Detta ställer stora krav på målformulering, metodval, planering, systematiskt arbete och uppföljning från studentens sida.
Denna bok ger stöd i hela arbetet från målformulering till muntlig presentation och skriftlig rapport. Alla tre författarna är verksamma vid Lunds tekniska högskola i forskargruppen SERG (Software Engineering Research Group). De har stor handledningserfarenhet från att i mer än 10 år varit handledare för examensarbeten i olika civilingenjörs- och högskoleingenjörsprogram, samt i forskarutbildningen.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality
Björn Regnell, Erik Kamsties, Vincenzo Gervasi (Eds.)
ISBN 3-922602-91-6
10th Anniversary Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ’2004), Riga, Latvia, 7-8 June, 2004
Essener Informatik Beiträge, Band 9
As our societies rely ever more on the transfer and processing of information for their day-to-day life, reliance on the quality of software systems is becoming of paramount practical importance. To achieve high quality in software, one has to start from high quality requirements. The process of eliciting, negotiating, documenting, verifying, and validating requirements is the subject matter for Requirements Engineering (RE). Computer science, psycho-social sciences, economics, and engineering converge in RE, contributing to the multi-disciplinary approach that has characterized this discipline for a quarter of a century now.
The original aim of the REFSQ workshop series was to foster research in requirements engineering, and especially on its links to the overall quality of the resulting systems. Over the years, the scope of the workshop has grown, both encompassing different and more diverse type of “systems” (from the initial software systems to business process and socio-technological systems), and extending to other issues not necessarily focused on quality. The format of the workshop, with its strong emphasis
on multi-faceted, in depth discussions among participants over presented papers, has been highly successful in promoting active involvement and encouraging the emergence of innovative ideas.
REFSQ’2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the workshop that had its first edition in 1994. This year, in addition to standard presentations, two special sessions devoted to a set of invited “anniversary papers” are included in the program: the first one on quality issues in RE and their relevance in industry; the second one on retrospective studies on the research output of REFSQ since its inception – as well as an outlook on future research.
The REFSQ’2004 call for papers invited submissions on a wide range of RE issues, such as (but not limited to):
• understanding and improving RE-processes;
• new methods and method engineering approaches for RE;
• evaluations of RE methods, techniques and tools;
• empirical studies of industrial RE practice; as well as
• transdisciplinary theories of and paradigms for RE.
In addition, this year special theme was “Quality Requirements as Business Advantage”. We sought answers to questions like: Are investments in RE justified in terms of return-on-investment? Do better RE practices lead to more profitable business? Is industry making money on RE? In response to the call for papers, 28 papers were submitted, of which 15 were accepted for discussion at the workshop: 11 as full papers and 4 as short position papers.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality
Erik Kamsties, Björn Regnell, Camille Salinesi (Eds.)
ISBN 3-922602-87-8
International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundations of Software
Quality (REFSQ’2003), Klagenfurt/Velden, Austria on the 16-17 June, 2003.
Essener Informatik Beiträge, Band 8
Software quality depends on the success of requirements engineering (RE), a discipline devoted to the elicitation of needs of users and customers, as well as negotiation, documentation and validation of these needs. RE cuts across disciplines, positioned at the frontier of system engineering, software engineering, HCI, information systems, enterprise modelling, and social and cognitive sciences. The goals of RE processes are diverse and existing RE methods emphasise the importance of the software environment, of the variety of stakeholders, and of the variety of skills required to do RE.
The goal of the REFSQ workshop series is to improve our understanding of the relationships between software quality and RE. The workshop attempts to achieve this by promoting intensive discussions provoked by brief presentations about innovative research ideas, new research directions in RE, industrial problem statements, generalisation from industrial experiences, as well as solutions to known RE problems.
The REFSQ’2003 Call for Papers invited general submissions addressing a wide range of issues such as the understanding and improvement of known RE processes, new methods and method engineering approaches to RE, empirical evaluations of RE methods and tools, studies of industrial RE practice, and cross-disciplinary theories of and paradigms for RE. Besides, a special topic “Integration of Requirements Engineering into Software Engineering” was also proposed to enlarge the spectrum of submissions. As usual, the Call for Papers promoted original RE methods, techniques and tools aiming at improved software quality. Possible topics included (but were not restricted to): integration of RE with project management activities (e.g., project planning & controlling), integration of RE with quality assurance activities (e.g., inspection, testing), relation of requirements and architecture, and relation of RE and change management.
In response to this Call for Papers we received 28 submissions from 14 different countries. The selection process resulted in the acceptance of 11 full papers and 3 short papers, resulting in a program with 14 peer-reviewed papers.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality
Camille Salinesi, Björn Regnell (Eds.)
ISBN 3-922602-86-7
International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundations of Software
Quality (REFSQ’2002), Essen, Germany 9-10 September, 2002.
Essener Informatik Beiträge, Band 7
RE is a multidisciplinary area, positioned at the frontier of system engineering, software engineering, HCI, information systems, enterprise modelling, and social and cognitive sciences. The goals of RE processes are very diverse and existing RE methods emphasise the importance of the software environment, of the variety of stakeholders, and of the variety of skills required to do RE.
The goal of the REFSQ workshop series is to improve our understanding of the relationships between software quality and RE. The workshop attempts to achieve this by promoting intensive discussions provoked by brief presentations about innovative research ideas possibly initiating new research directions in RE, industrial problem statements and generalisation from industrial experiences, as well as solutions to known RE problems.
The REFSQ’2002 Call for Papers invited general submissions addressing a wide range of issues such as the understanding and improvement of known RE processes, new methods and method engineering approaches to RE, empirical evaluations of RE methods and tools, studies of industrial RE practice, and trans-disciplinary theories of and paradigms for RE. Besides, new ideas and groundbreaking on-going research at the service of software quality were especially welcomed this year.
In response to this Call for Papers we received 22 submissions from 11 different countries. The reviewing process was based on 2 to 4 reviews per paper. It resulted in the acceptance of 11 full papers, as well as 5 shorter position papers and industrial problem statements.