Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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Computer Labs

Four compulsory computer labs during week 3, 4, 5, 6 of study period 3.  You are expected to solve the lab assignments on your own (contact a teacher if you need help).

The schedule for the labs is in the course plan. 

Sign up for the labs at, groups of two people.

The labs will be published during the first week.

Sign-up for the labs will open on thursday.

Files for the labs (see the lab assignments for download instructions):

Lab About Files Notes 
Basic C++ Programming lab1.tar.gz    
Introduction to the Standard Librarylab2.tar.gz
Strings and Streamslab3.tar.gz
Standard Containers and Algorithmslab4.tar.gz

Notes, corrections and additions

6/2: The file words can be found in /usr/share/dict/words on the lab computers (and most Linuxes). If it is missing on your computer you can either copy it from there, or download it here.

1/2:  If you do the labs on a Mac with the standard XCode development tools, you need to be aware that Apple uses llvm, so the commands gcc and g++ are aliases for clang and clang++. This is not obvious, as clang and gcc are command-line compatible, so what is written about g++ also applies to clang++.
For the debugger, on the other hand, they are different. lldb, which is the llvm debugger, has a different set of commands than gdb, so the instructions in lab1 do not apply. For an introduction to lldb, see
Apple has a table of equivalent gdb/llvm commands.
It is possible to install gdb on a mac, for instance with MacPorts or HomeBrew, but note that the program needs to be signed, which may be a bit tricky the first time.

31/1:  in lab1, A3, the MakefileWithDeps includes rules for building all the programs, including the later assignments. If you make all using this makefile, it will give the error fatal error: coding.h: No such file or director

To fix that, before doing the coding assignment, either remove test_coding from PROGS, or do specific make calls, like make hello and make ltest

25/1:  uploaded a new version of the assignments pdf file with a small addition to lab1, section 7.1, A8, on how to add a Makefile rule for building liblab1.a.

  •  Note that this does not tell make how to create liblab1.a. For that, add a rule

      liblab1.a: coding.o list.o
          ar crv liblab1.a coding.o list.o

  •  Note that you cannot easily write rules to make the programs depend on  the lib, so you must first make liblab1.a and then make. See section 8 for how CMake handles this.

Doing the labs under Windows

The lab instructions are written for a Linux system, but they can be run on Windows 10 under the Windows subsystem for linux (WSL). The web page for EDAF30 contains instructions for setting up a suitable environment under Windows 10 (in swedish). The instructions assume that WSL is activated.