Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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  • Exercise 5, solutions: av.h must include <utility> and <algorithm>.
  • The  makefiles in the exercise downloads should contain the following line to inform the preprocessor about the new standard:
    CPPFLAGS = -std=c++11
  • Exercise 2: should be compiled without the -O2 flag (otherwise some of the erroneous code will be optimized away).

There are no scheduled exercise sessions. Instead, there are exercises with assignments that you are intended to solve at the computer. You should solve one of the exercises each week (the first exercise during the second week of the study period, ...). 

The exercise programs and suggested solutions are available in separate directories for each exercise. The directories are also available here:

Download link Unpack command 
exercises.tar.gz tar xzf exercises.tar.gz

Each directory contains a Makefile so you can build all programs by giving the command make in the exercise directory. You can also type make progname to build one program.