The slides that I show during the lectures will appear below as the course proceeds.
Lecture topics
Note that the lecture slides contain topics and suggested reading for the following lecture.
# | Subject | Slides |
L1 | Introduction: functions | |
L2 | Introduction cont'd: data types and variables | |
L3 | Modularity: source code organization and error handling | |
L4 | Classes | |
L5 | Resource management | |
L6 | Generic programming: standard algorithms and iterators | |
L7 | Templates and function objects | |
L8 | Classes: const overloading and inheritance | |
L9 | More about resource management and the standard library | |
L10 | Examples. More about the standard library | |
L11 | Low level details and loose ends | |
L12 | Recap and about the project | |
L13, L14 | no lecture |
Code examples from, or related to, the lectures
Lecture 2:
unsigned.cc : example of implicit arithmetic conversion.
object_value.cc : a small example demonstrating how the same object can be interpreted as different types.
Lecture 3:
example_adl.cc : example of Argument Dependent Lookup
Lecture 4:
ctors.cc : example: default, copy, converting and delegating constructors.
Lecture 5:
typecast.cc : example type cast to change the value of an object by changing its type.
Lecture 6:
print.cc : a minimal function template example
fn-state.cc : an example of a stateful function object
lambda.cc : an example of the difference between capture by value and by reference
Lecture 9:
example_copying.cc : example of resource management for containers
Lecture 10:
ratio.cc : example of compile_time rational numbers using std::ratio
chrono.cc : example of the time representation classes
ref.cc : example of the standard reference wrapper and std::ref
meta.cc : example of compile-time computation of n!
variadic.cc : example of a variadic template
enable_if.cc : example of metaprogramming for selecting which overload to be used for a particular type
Lecture 11:
arrayp.cc : example passing a pointer to an array with the array size as part of the type to avoid array decay
multi-array.cc : example of multi-dimensional array
multi-array-mem.cc : example of the difference of an array of char*
and an array of char[6]