Projects 2006
The final document containing all the reports [pdf].
The list of authors and projects titles of the course Language processing and computational linguistics for 2006/2007:
- Amir Ali, Identifying the Nuclei Sentences within a Piece of Text. [pdf]
- Tobias Bengtsson, Speech recognition using multilayer perceptron artificial neural network. [pdf]
- Markus Borg, Time extraction from real-time generated football reports. [pdf]
- Tobias Hjelm, Cluster keyboard optimisation through genetic programming. [pdf]
- Johan Holmberg, Writing a parser for an artificial language, Atasi cnoba. [pdf]
- Tobias Håkansson, Statistical noun chunking for Swedish. [pdf]
- Brice Jaglin and Felix Nairz, Collocation statistics to check verb preposition usage in Swedish. [pdf]
- Emina Karic, HMMs in speech recognition. [pdf]
- Efraim Laksman, Comparing classification algorithms for chunking. [pdf]
- Mathieu Martinet and Rémi Rocques, Développement d'un étiqueteur de parties du discours et d'un étiqueteur de groupes pour le français. [pdf]
- Magnus Olsson, Text and sentence generation using graph traversing techniques. [pdf]
- Cenny Wenner, Extracting logical forms and recognising textual entailment. [pdf]
- George Ytterbrink, A statistical coreference solver. [pdf]
In total, 15 students for 13 projects.