Projects 2007
The final document containing all the reports [pdf].
The list of authors and projects titles of the course Language processing and computational linguistics for 2007/2008:
- Marc Bauer and Louise Funke, A dialogue system for robots using VoiceXML. [pdf]
- Jens Hellström, Semantic role labeling using a neural network. [pdf]
- David Herrero Marco, Parseador de dependencias para el castellano usando técnicas de "machine learning". [pdf]
- Jorge Mallol and Dan Thorin, Semantic parsing of Framenet's commerce pay and commerce sell frames. [pdf]
- Jonas Pålsson and Marcus Stamborg, A dependency parser for Swedish. [pdf]
- Peter Savonen Floderus, Unsupervised semantic tagging for Swedish. [pdf]
- Joakim Simonsson and Frode Thorsén, A grammar checker for English. [pdf]
In total, 11 students for 7 projects.