- An introduction to programming GPUs can be found in this tutorial. (Local copy)
- EDA 221 Computer Graphics Shader assignments (Assumed knowledge)
- OpenGL Shading Language book examples
- NVIDIA Shader Library
- GPU Gems 1
- GPU Gems 2
- GPU Gems 3
- Shading trees
- Gary McTaggart, Valve, “Half-Life2 Shading/Valve Source Shading” GDC 2004
- Skin rendering
- "Advanced Techniques for Realistic Real-Time Skin Rendering", Eugene d'Eon and David Luebke, GPU GEMS 3
- "Uncharted 2: Character Lighting and Shading", John Hable, Naughty Dog
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Original reference Crytek, Martin Mittring, 2007, "Finding Next Gen-CryEngine2", slides, ARTRi3DGG, SIGGRAPH course
- "Hardware Accelerated Ambient Occlusion Techniques on GPUs", Shanmugan and Arikan 2007, I3D.
- "Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination in Image Space", Ritschel et. al., I3D 2009
- Mapping Techniques
- Parallex Occlusion Mapping. There is also a demo application in the Microsoft Direct X SDK.
- "Hardware Accelerated Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping", Johanes Hirche et. al. GI 2004
- Cascaded Light Propagation Volumes for Real-time Indirect Illumination
- ShaderToy : Create and edit shaders using WebGL
- Simple eye ball : A live shader coding session by Inigo Quilez
- 3D Game Shaders for Beginners
- WWW.OPENGL.ORG The best starting point for OpenGL information.
- OpenGL Wiki Khronos
- A simple OpenGL program: for those who feel that they need to play around a little bit with OpenGL.
- OpenGL basics : A thorough introduction to the basics of OpenGL by Song Ho Ahn.
- NeHe OpenGL tutorials: A great set of tutorials for getting started with OpenGL
- Lighthouse3D OpenGL tutorials
- LearnOpenGL tutorials by Joey de Vries
- OpenGL Tutorials by Etay Meiri
- OpenGL-Tutorials (with billboards/particles)
- 3D Game Engine Programming : OpenGL by Jeremiah van Oosten
Graphics Hardware
- A great paper with the details about what's inside a GPU, "Neon: A (Big) (Fast) Single-Chip 3D Workstation Graphics Accelerator" This paper is dated in terms of the size and capacity of the chip, many of the concepts are timeless.
OpenGL ES 2.0 (iPhone/iPad programming)
- Stanford University Developing Applications for iOS course
- A great book with an introduction to 3D Computer Graphics and an introduction to Mobile Graphics is Mobile 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES and M3G by Kari Pulli, Tomi Aarnio, Ville Miettinen, Kimmo Roimela, Jani Vaarala
- A book about OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming by Aaftab Munshi, Dan Ginsburg and Dave Shreiner.
- An introduction to the OpenGL ES 2.0 shading language.
- The OpenGL ES 2.0 specification and details. Local link to the spec.
- The Imagination Technologies OpenGL ES 2.0 SDK for the PowerVR SGX used in the iPhone 3GS/iPod Touch.
- There was a course on Mobile 3D Applications at SIGGRAPH 2005. Lots of useful information on M3G and OpenGL ES.
- libigl - Simple C++ geometry processing library.
- How a 64K intro(demo) is made.
- Blue Noise Links
- Modern Microprocessors, A 90 Minute Guide!