- The notes called "Mobile Graphics Hardware" by Tomas Akenine-Möller are used in the course. The notes follow the lectures closely.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Edge Functions and Triangle Traversal
- Chapter 3: Interpolation
- Chapter 4: Fragment Processing (chapter not finished; see slides on Zmin/ZMax instead (includes rasterization equation etc))
- Chapter 5: Texturing (includes Section 5.5: General Caching).
- Chapter 6: Culling Algorithms
- Chapter 7: Buffer Compression (chapter not finished; see "Efficient Depth Buffer Compression" below)
- Chapter 8: Screen-space Antialiasing (chapter not finished; see "A Family of Inexpensive Sampling Schemes" below)
- Appendix A: Fixed-Point Mathematics
- Bibliography
- "Texture Caches", by Michael Doggett, IEEE Micro 2012
- "Efficient Depth Buffer Compression", by Hasselgren and Akenine-Möller, Graphics Hardware 2006.
- "The Design and Analysis of a Cache Architecture for Texture Mapping", by Hakura and Gupta, ISCA'97. (local pdf)
- "Prefetching in a Texture Cache Architecture", by Igehy et al. Workshop on Graphics Hardware 1998.
- iPACKMAN Texture Compression, Graphics Hardware 2005.
- Fenney, "Texture Compression using Low-Frequency Signal Modulation", Graphics Hardware 2003.
- Hasselgren et al., A Family of Inexpensive Sampling Schemes, 2005.
- The lecture slides are also included as well as the assignments.