Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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EDAN40 Examination

To get pass on this course you need to have three assignments approved. Deadlines are strict in the sense that solutions which are handed in too late will be disregarded unless an agreement has been made IN ADVANCE with a teacher. Obviously inadequate solutions will also fail immediately.

To pass on this course you also need to pass the obligatory written exam at the end of the course. Some previous EDAN40 exams are 021021, 031020, 041018, 051017, 061016, 081022, 091217, 101216, 111219 (solutions), 121217 (solutions), 131216 (solutions), 150113, 170602, 180528, 190603, 220602, and 230601.
Solutions for the 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, and 2023 exams, both EDAF and EDAN.
The 200601 exam, together with the suggested answers, as extracted from Canvas quizzes.

Please note that during the exam you are given a "cheat sheet" with some Prelude functions, probably all the functions you would need during the exam (maybe except bind:-).

Note also that there is no particular ordering of the questions, e.g. according to their complexity. Question number 6 can be the easiest, and question number 3 the most difficult one. This varies across exams.

The exam will be held on May 30th 2024, 8-13, in Vic:2D,3A,3B,3C,3D, while the re-exam will be held on August 22nd, 2024, 8-13, in MA8.