Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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Assignment N3: Functional Parsing


In this assignment you will create a parser and an interpreter for a small imperative language. The main goal is to get acquainted with a monadic way of solving a classical problem in computer science.


The following program is written in the programming language to be parsed and interpreted in this assignment.

   read k;
   read n;
   m := 1;
   while n-m do
       if m - m/k*k then
         -- note a square below
         write m^2;
       m := m + 1; -- an inline comment 

The language has just one data type, integer, and variables are not declared. In the while and if statements a positive expression value is interpreted as true while 0 and negative values mean false.

The program above reads two integers, k and n, and writes squares of all integers between 1 and n that are multiples of k.

The grammar for the language is given by

   program ::= statements
   statement ::= variable ':=' expr ';'
           | 'skip' ';'
           | 'begin' statements 'end'
           | 'if' expr 'then' statement 'else' statement
           | 'while' expr 'do' statement
           | 'read' variable ';'
           | 'write' expr ';'
   statements ::= {statement}
   variable ::= letter {letter}

An explanation of this grammar (besides the comment case) and a parser for an expression, expr (besides the power taking operation), can be found in the document Parsing with Haskell, by Lennart Andersson. The intended semantics for the language should be obvious from the keywords for anybody familiar with any imperative language.

Program structure

You are given the stub of a solution:


defines the Parser type and implements the three elementary parsers, char, return and fail, and the basic parser operators #, !, ?, #>, and >->, described in Lennart Andersson's Parsing with Haskell.

The class Parse with signatures for parse, toString, and fromString with an implementation for the last one is introduced.

The representation of the Parser type is visible outside the module, but this visibilty should not be exploited.


contains a number of derived parsers and parser operators.


contains a data type for representing an arithmetic expression, an expression parser, an expression evaluator, and a function for converting the representation to a string.


contains a data type for representing a dictionary.


contains a data type for representing a statement, a statement parser, a function to interpret a list of statements, and a function for converting the representation to a string.


contains a data type for representing a program, a program parser, a program interpreter, and a function for converting the representation to a string.


contain test data.


In a test using the program in the introduction with the following definitions

   src = "read k; read n; m:=1; ... "
   p = Program.fromString src

the expression Program.exec p [3,16] should return [9,36,81,144,225].

Assignment and hints

  1. In Parser.hs implement the following functions. All the implementations should use other parsers and parser operators. No implementation may rely on the fact that the parsers return values of type Maybe (a, String). This means e.g. that the words Just and Nothing may not appear in your code.
    letter :: Parser Char.
    letter is a parser for a letter as defined by the Prelude function isAlpha.
    spaces :: Parser String.
    spaces accepts any number of whitespace characters as defined by the Prelude function isSpace.
    chars :: Int -> Parser String.
    The parser chars n accepts n characters.
    require :: String -> Parser String.
    The parser require w accepts the same string input as accept w but reports the missing string using err in case of failure.
    -# :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b.
    The parser m -# n accepts the same input as m # n, but returns just the result from the n parser. The function should be declared as a left associative infix operator with precedence 7. Example:
       (accept "read" -# word) "read count;" -> Just ("count", ";")
    #- :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a.
    The parser m #- n accepts the same input as m # n, but returns the result from the m parser.
  2. Implement the function value in module Expr. The expression value e dictionary should return the value of e if all the variables occur in dictionary and there is no division by zero. Otherwise an error should be reported using error.

  3. Implement the type and the functions in the Statement module. Some hints:
    1. The data type T should have seven constructors, one for each kind of statement.
    2. Define a parsing function for each kind of statement. If the parser has accepted the first reserved word in a statement, you should use require rather than accept to parse other reserved words or symbols in order to get better error messages in case of failure. An example:
         assignment = word #- accept ":=" # Expr.parse 
                           #- require ";" >-> buildAss
         buildAss (v, e) = Assignment v e
    3. Use these functions to define parse.
    4. The function exec :: [T] -> Dictionary.T String Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer] takes a list of statements to be executed, a dictionary containing variable/value pairs, and a list of integers containing numbers that may be read by read statements and the returned list contains the numbers produced by write statements.
      The function exec is defined using pattern matching on the first argument. If it is empty an empty integer list is returned. The other patterns discriminate over the first statement in the list. As an example the execution of a conditional statement may be implemented by
         exec (If cond thenStmts elseStmts: stmts) dict input =
             if (Expr.value cond dict)>0
             then exec (thenStmts: stmts) dict input
             else exec (elseStmts: stmts) dict input
      For each kind of statement there will be a recursive invocation of exec. A write statement will add a value to the returned list, while an assignment will make a recursive call with a new dictionary.

  4. Introduce possibility of writing comments in the code: all text beginning with "--" should be ignored until the newline character. You may need to modify more (or something else) than the Statement module.
    Hint: It seems that the comments can be relatively simply handled as white space.
  5. In the Program module you should represent the program as a Statement list. Use the parse function from the Statement module to define the parse function in this module. Use the exec function in the Statement module to execute a program.
  6. Implement toString :: T -> String in Statement and Program. A newline character should be inserted after each statement and some keywords. Use indentation (as in the example code above). No spurious empty lines should appear in the output.

    Please note that the output of your toString should be a legal program, i.e. should be parsable and executable again.

  7. Extend the datatype Expr defined in Expr.hs with exponentiation, so that your expressions would allow e.g. a^2 or 2^a as legal strings in the program code (and compute their values when necessary). You will need to introduce modifications in a number of files.
    Make sure that your exponentiation
    1. binds harder than multiplication or division, and
    2. that consecutive exponentiation binds to the right, so that a^b^c is interpreted as a^(b^c).

    Hint: There is an informative discussion of this problem on Stack Overflow, but only the second answer (by ToxicAbe) is correct!

Provided documents

There is a zip file containing a partial implementation. (NOT UPDATED YET, Sorry)

Lennart Andersson's "Parsing in Haskell" describing building parsers using Maybe.

Submission requirements

This assignment is to be solved in pairs. You are to submit your solution to course canvas by 20th May 2024, 23:59 CET. The solution must contain a zip-file containing a directory with all modules (but excluding the test ones!). To pass, your program must work and consist of readable modules. Every value (or function) exported from a module must have an explicit type. Make sure to include your names in the modules you submit.

Please note that this time you are expected to provide functioning and readable code - we assume you can do that without problems by now. You will get a PASS in case of no objections from our side (you will be informed about that). In case of questions from your side, uncertainty or just plain curiosity about our opinion about your code, please mention it in the submission message on canvas, otherwise you will just get informed about the PASS/FAIL outcome.