Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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Kommentarer bonuschansen

Inskickade frågor: Del I, Del II

Grupp A

Del II: Bonus 5

+ Very many good questions

- (3) Could be more precisely worded. CRUD is used to identify missing functional reqts for Creating/Reading/Updating or Deleting a specified data entity, i.e. consistency but primarily for completeness.

Del I: Bonus 5

+ Många mycket bra frågor!

- (4) anledning att tillståndsdiagram är bra för dev o test är snarare att rätt anv så matchar en sån specen bra mot den logik man ska koda + att ingenjörer ofta är vana vid denna sorts notation (t ex site maps for UI flöden, liknande i UML etc)

Grupp B

Del II: Bonus 5

+ Många bra frågor

-(3, 4) Otydliga anledningar. T ex för 3  förklarar inte att det bara är de relevanta faktorerna som behöver va med i en överblick (nu enbart med i motiveringen).

Del I: Bonus 3

+ Några bra frågor

- (4) Kontextdiagram är användbara för att få överblick över vem/vad systemet interagerar med, snarare än vilka delar som ingår i systemet, dvs systemet är en svart låda (black box) i ett kontextdiagram. Svag täckning av de kapitel som ingår för del 1 (Lau:1, 2, 3, 4 o 8)

Grupp C

Del II: Bonus 4

+ Very many good questions

- (1, 3) Reason & Motivation are weak in describing why

Del I: Bonus 4

+ Many good questions

- (2) Business goals are useful for communicating the customer's goals  since this techniques identifies & clarifies the customer's motivation for requesting the system

Grupp D

Del II: Bonus 5

+ very many good questions

- (1) A standardized protocol (e.g. https) does describe legal message sequences and error situations. The answer is still correct though, since a standard specification albeit improving completeness (since many people are involved in specifying and reviewing it) still often have a number of optionals and room for interpretation that need to be covered and detailed when requiring a standard to be supported.

Del I: Bonus 5

+ Very many good questions

- (2) Time-and-material projekt har oftast informella krav(ej specade), istället tas dessa fram gradvis över tid.

Grupp E

Del II

+ Many good questions

- (1) Assuming you mean project type COTS purchase, not developing a COTS product. 

(7) User acceptance is also important sine it leads to success in the listed factors, i.e. indirectly important.

Bonus: 4

Del I

+ Many good Qs

- The project type product development applies to projects that develop products for a market rather than for a bespoke customer, e.g. Samsung/Sony/Apple developing a mobile phone model. This applies to both completely new types of products (with all new software) as well as for new models based on old ones (i.e. re-using existing software).

Bonus: 4

Grupp F

Del II: Bonus 3

+ några bra frågor

- svag täckning av de delar som ingår. Det saknas helt frågor på MDRE, PRIO, RP

Del I: Bonus 3

+ Several good questions

- (3) Adding domain tasks to the context diagram could be used as a high-level checklist for development, e.g. as the basis for a backlog. These HL items can then be detailed into development tasks.

Grupp G

Del II: Bonus 4

+ många bra frågor

- något svag täckning (2 på Lau:6, ingen på QUPER).

(5) Möjlig relevant tilläggs info vore att det kostar mer att få in "mer info, en viktig faktor speciellt för stora system

Del I: Bonus 4

+ Many good Qs 

- (6) In the first step brainstorming sessions are good for eliciting new ideas some of which may lead to good new requirements.

Grupp H

Del II: Bonus 4

+ several good questions

- (2) There could also be missing functionality if the system doesn't work as intended by the programmer.(3) the question relates specifically to quality factors (not stated)

Del I: Bonus 4

+ many good questions

- a data model does not provide the full requirements picture since it only describes the data requirements.

Grupp I

Del II: Bonus 4

+ Several good questions

- (4) In agile requirements tend to be non-documented. The requirements discussed and agreed with the development team are often more accurate than what is achieved in a reqt spec (for which a main challenge is keeping it updated over time.)

Del I: Bonus 4

+ many good Qs

- (1) Skrivna på en bra nivå kan data dictionaries ge en bra bild av produktens tänkta användning