Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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The exercise classes support you in working on your course project. After an initial quick walk-through of the concepts for the week, the rest of the time is spent working on practical exercises. Most of the assignments are to be performed on your projects, so ideally the whole project group should attend together.

The exercise instructions will be published on this page as the course progresses, and the slides used during the initial walk-through are published after the weekly session.

NOTE: Ensure you have access to the course text book [Lau] during exercises.

Ex1: Req’s Types, Project Types & Models (Lau:1) Context diagram (Lau:3)E1-slides.pdf

Ex2: Specification I and Elicitation (Lau:2, 8).  E2-slides.pdf

Ex3: Prototyping (PROTO1&2), Functional Requirements (Lau:3-5)  E3-slides.pdf

Ex4: Quality Requirements (Lau:6 + QUPER) E4-slides.pdf

Ex5: Validation (Lau: Ch 9, [INSP])