Local Maple Service
This page describes a web service for evaluating Maple worksheets. The service is accessed using http post operations to http://vm28.cs.lth.se:8080/maple/evaluate. The service is available within the cs.lth.se domain.
Paste maple code into the text box below, select format, and submit. For example, paste the text below into the text box, choose text format and press evaluate:
which should give the output:
(xmin, x) -> xmin < x
"class CodeGenerationClass {\n public static boolean f (double xmin, double x)\n {\n return(xmin < x);\n }\n}\n"
or use the xml sheet format:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Worksheet xmlns="http://vm28.cs.lth.se:8080/maple">
<Line n="1">
<Line n="2">
which should give:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Worksheet xmlns="http://vm28.cs.lth.se:8080/maple">
<Line n="1">
<Output><![CDATA[(xmin, x) -> xmin < x]]></Output>
</Line> <Line n="2">
<Output><![CDATA["class CodeGenerationClass {\n public static boolean f (double xmin, double x)\n {\n return(xmin < x);\n }\n}\n"]]></Output>
Subversion repository
The code is available as an Eclipse project (Helios, JavaEE):
- Maple14
- Java 1.6
- Tomcat 7