For recent publications since 2013, please see the Graphics Group Publications page.
Real-Time Multiply Recursive Reflections and Refractions using Hybrid Rendering Per Ganestam and Michael Doggett The Visual Computer Journal, September 2014 | |
Interactive rendering of NURBS surfaces Raquel Concheiroa, Margarita Amora, Emilio J. Padróna, and Michael Doggett Computer-Aided Design Volume 56, November 2014, Pages 34–44 | |
Automatic Single-View Character Model Reconstruction Philip Buchanan, R. Mukundan and Michael Doggett Expressive 2013 (SBIM), July 19-20 2013, Anaheim, U.S.A. | |
Octree Light Propagation Volumes John David Olovsson and Michael Doggett SIGRAD 13, June 13-14 2013, Norrköping, Sweden. (BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD) | |
Structural Vectorization of Raster Images Philip Buchanan, Michael Doggett and R. Mukundan IVCNZ ’12, November 26 - 28 2012, Dunedin, New Zealand. | |
Texture Caches Michael Doggett IEEE Micro 32(3), May-June 2012. Author's version | |
Efficient Adaptive and Dynamic Mesh Refinement Based on a Non-recursive Strategy M. Bóo, M. Amor, R. Concheiro, and M. Doggett The Computer Journal, Published online 21 May 2012. | |
Power Efficiency for Software Algorithms running on Graphics Processors Björn Johnsson, Per Ganestam, Michael Doggett, and Tomas Akenine-Möller High Performance Graphics, 2012. | |
Transferring Characteristic Proportions to Modify the Artistic Style of Cartoons Philip Buchanan and Michael Doggett Computer Graphics International, June 2012, Bournemouth, UK. | |
Explicit Cache Management for Volume Ray-Casting on Parallel Architectures Daniel Jönsson, Per Ganestam, Michael Doggett, Anders Ynnerman and Timo Ropinski Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2012. | |
Auto-tuning Interactive Ray Tracing using an Analytical GPU Architecture Model Per Ganestam and Michael Doggett GPGPU-5, 2012. | |
Decoupled Sampling for Graphics Pipelines., Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Jiawen Chen, Jaakko Lehtinen, Michael Doggett and Fredo Durand, ACM Transactions on Graphics 30(3) (Presented at SIGGRAPH 2011) | |
Dynamic and Adaptive Tessellation of Bezier surfaces., R. Concheiro, M. Amor, M. Bóo and M. Doggett, International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Portugal, March 2011 | |
Analytical Motion Blur Rasterization using Compression, Carl Johan Gribel, Michael Doggett, and Tomas Akenine-Moller, High Performance Graphics, pp. 163-172, June 2010. | |
Texture Compression of Light Maps using Smooth Profile Functions, Jim Rasmusson, Jacob Strom, Per Wennersten, Michael Doggett and Tomas Akenine-Moller, High-Performance Graphics, pp. 143-152, June 2010. | |
Scientific computation for simulations on programmable graphics hardware, Robert Strzodka, Michael Doggett, and Andreas Kolb. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 13(8):667–680, Nov 2005 | |
A Meshing Scheme for Efficient Hardware Implementation of Butterfly Subdivision Surfaces
using Displacement Mapping, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Boo, Wolfgang Straser, Johannes Hirche, and Michael Doggett, IEEE Computers Graphics and Applications, Vol. 25, Num. 2, March/April 2005 | |
Hardware Accelerated Per-Pixel Displacement Mapping, Johannes Hirche, Alexander Ehlert, Michael C. Doggett, Stefan Guthe, Graphics Interface, London, Ontario, Canada, May 2004 | |
VIZARDII: A Reconfigurable Interactive Volume Rendering System, M. Meißner, U. Kanus, G. Wetekam, J. Hirche, A. Ehlert, W. Straßer, M. Doggett, P. Forthmann, R. Proksa, Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware 2002 | |
Displacement Mapping using Scan Conversion Hardware
Architectures, Michael Doggett, Anders Kugler and Wolfgang Strasser, Computer Graphics Forum, 2001 | |
Hardware support for adaptive subdivision surface
rendering, M. Bo, M. Amor, M. Doggett, J. Hirche and W. Strasser, Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware 2001. | |
Efficient Space Leaping for Ray casting Architectures, Michael Meissner, Michael Doggett, Urs Kanus, Johannes Hirche and Wolfgang Strasser, Proceedings of the second Workshop on Volume Graphics, Stony Brook, NY, USA, June 2001 | |
Adaptive View Dependent Tessellation of Displacement Maps, Michael Doggett and Johannes Hirche, Eurographics/SIGGRAPH workshop on graphics hardware, September 2000 | |
Displacement Mapping Rendering Hardware using Adaptive Tessellation, Michael Doggett and Johannes Hirche, Presented at ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 as a Technical Sketch, July 2000 | |
A ray queueing and sorting design for Real Time Ray Casting, Michael Doggett, In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2000 | |
A Low-Cost Memory Architecture for Volume Rendering, Michael Doggett, Michael Meissner, and Urs Kanus, In Proceedings of Eurographics/SIGGRAPH workshop on graphics hardware, August 1999 | |
A hardware architecture for video rate smooth shading of volume data, Michael Doggett and Graham Hellestrand, Computers and Graphics, Volume 19, Number 5, pages 695-704, 1995 |
Displacement Mapping and Volume Rendering Graphics Hardware Michael Doggett, 2002 |
Real-Time Realistic Rendering Department of Computer Science, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, March 30, 2011 | |
ATI Radeon 4800 series Graphics MIT Computer Graphics Lab, Boston, USA, November 12, 2008 | |
Radeon GPU Architecture and the Radeon 4800 series Graphicon 2008 Invited Talk, Moscow, Russia, June 27, 2008 | |
Challenges for GPU Architecture Symposium on Computing Systems and Technologies, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 2, 2008 | |
Xbox 360 GPU and Radeon HD 2900 University of Missouri-Rolla, Missouri, USA, October 29, 2007 | |
Radeon HD 2900,
Slides and
Block Diagram CSAIL, MIT, Boston, USA, October 3, 2007 | |
RadeonHD2900 and Geometry Generation University of Santiago, Spain, September 11, 2007 | |
Radeon HD 2900 Graphics Hardware Hot3D Talk, San Diego, California, USA, August 5, 2007 | |
GPU Architecture MIT Computer Graphics Lab, Boston, USA, July 14, 2006 | |
Recent Advances and Future Trends in Graphics Hardware SIGRAD'05 Keynote, November 23, 2005 | |
Xenos: XBOX360 GPU University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, November 14, 2005 | |
Xenos: XBOX360 GPU Microsoft developer day, X05 Toronto, Canada, October, 2005 | |
Xenos: XBOX360 GPU Industrial Seminar, New console architectures, Eurographics, Dublin, Ireland, September, 2005 | |
Architecting the Future Exhibitor Tech Talk, August 2, SIGGRAPH 2005 | |
Panel: GPUs and CPUs: The Uneasy Alliance? ACM Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, , Los Angeles, August 7-8, 2004 | |
Displacement Mapping Game Developers Conference 2003 |
Two level cache memory architecture Stephen Morein and Michael Doggett Patent Number 7,336,284, Issued February 26, 2008 | |
System and method for determining illumination of a pixel by shadow planes Stephen Morein, Larry Seiler, Michael Doggett and Jocelyn Houle Patent Application Number 20060202941 Patent Number 7,924,281, Issued April 12, 2011 | |
Method and apparatus for angular invariant texture level of detail generation Konstantine Iourcha and Michael Doggett Patent Application Number 20100245374 |