Exact Algorithms
Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) VR 2007–6595 (2008–2010)
Grant holder: Thore Husfeldt
Affiliated researchers:
- Andreas Björklund (Ph.D., Lund 2007)
- Martin Wahlén (Ph.D., Lund 2009)
- Nina Sofia Taslaman (Ph.D. Student, ITU Copenhagen)
- Natalie Elaine Schlüter (Ph.D. Student, ITU Copenhagen)
- Konstantin Kutzkov (Ph.D. Student, ITU Copenhagen)
International collaboration:
- Holger Dell, HU Berlin
- Petteri Kaski, Helsinki
- Mikko Koivisto, Helsinki
- Ph.D. course: Current trends in exponential tiem algorithms (2011)
- Ph.D. course: Seminar on Exact and Parameterized Computation (2010)
- Speaker: Introduction to exact algorithms, series of lectures at AGAPE Spring School on Fixed Parameter and Exact Algorithms, May 25-29 2009, Lozari, Corsica (France)
- Organiser: Fourth International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IWPEC 2009)
- Organiser: Dagstuhl Seminar 10441 Exact Complexity of NP-Hard Problems, 2010
- Keynote Speaker: 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker: China Theory Week 2011, CTIC Aarhus, Denmark, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker: Journées Nationales de l'Informatique Mathématique, Paris, France, 2012.