Datavetenskaps programmeringstävling
Datavetenskaps programmeringstävling hosted by Code@LTH is part of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), which is a world-wide contest for students with local and regional events, and a world final. The contest is about programming skills, problem solving and teamwork.
The ICPC is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious university programming contest in the world with more than 50,000 students from roughly 3,250 universities in more than 100 countries competing every year in everything from local to regional contests leading up to the World Finals where 135 teams from all over the world compete.

Contest 2021
Saturday October 9th, 2021
A local annual event hosted in Lund since 1991 by the Department of Computer Science - and now in close collaboration with Code@LTH as part of the Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC) and a possibility to qualify for the upcoming Regional Contest NWERC.