Computer Science News
Anders Frick 2016-05-02
Historien om programspråket Scala lockade nyligen många nyfikna att lyssna på Viktor Klang, biträdande teknikchef på Lightbend, som höll föredrag på LUCAS Open Software Seminar i Lund. Han arbetar med personerna som ligger bakom...[more]
ELLIIT 2016-04-27
Grand Competitive Driving Challenge 2016REFSQ conference140 character publicationLise Meitner guest professorWASP starts upMassive MIMO as Enabler for Communications with Drone Swarms ELLIIT Nyhetsblad 13 - April 2016[more]
ELLIIT 2016-04-27
Grand Competitive Driving Challenge 2016REFSQ conference140 character publicationLise Meitner guest professorWASP starts upMassive MIMO as Enabler for Communications with Drone Swarms ELLIIT Nyhetsblad 13 - April 2016[more]
Exjob@cs 2016-04-14
Due to popular request, an unscheduled presentation day, with three master's thesis presentations, will take place on the 28th of April, 2016.[more]
Per defended his thesis titled, "Faster data structures and graphics hardware techniques for high performance rendering". You can download a copy of the PhD from here.[more]
In order to stay competitive, companies in all lines of business need to master software development. The SCALARE (SCALing sofwARE) project is developing a software Scaling Management Framework that will help industry scaling up...[more]
Batmetrics AB, Malmö, announces one MSc thesis within IoT: Precision based localization of products in physical stores.[more]
ELLIIT 2016-01-08
The Future of ELLIITThe Wallenberg Autonomous System Program (WASP) startsLund University Robotics Week, November 23-27 2015Positioning using Massive MIMOBronze medal to JaCoPLiU-CVL's visual object tracking method SRDCFRobot...[more]
ELLIIT 2016-01-08
The Future of ELLIITThe Wallenberg Autonomous System Program (WASP) startsLund University Robotics Week, November 23-27 2015Positioning using Massive MIMOBronze medal to JaCoPLiU-CVL's visual object tracking method SRDCFRobot...[more]
Under Open Hack – Coding for Humanity, som hölls i Malmö i helgen, samlades studenter, företag och intresserade individer för att genom öppen källkod ta fram lösningar som kan underlätta vid bland annat katastrofer och humanitära...[more]
HMS Industrial Networks AB, Halmstad, announces 12+ thesis proposals in Industrial IoT.[more]
I helgen avgjordes regionfinalen för nordvästra Europa inom världens största akademiska studenttävling - The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest med över 2 500 deltagande universitet från hela världen. Regionfinalen...[more]
During euRobotics week 2015, about 20 one-hour-long guided tours were arranged in Robot Lab at Lund University. The main audience were about 670 school children and students of all ages from 20 different school classes in the...[more]
Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH, inför som första högskola i Sverige programspråket Scala som förstaspråk i introduktionskursen i programmering på civilingenjörsprogrammet i datateknik.[more]
The scaling software project SCALARE is ramping up. Jonas Ahnlund is the newest employee at MAPCI and he will work fulltime with SCALARE.[more]