Computer Science News
A short paper that was presented at the ongoing ESEM conference i Torino, Italy has investigated what universities and other organisations has published and been cited most since 1997. No doubt is USA the most successful country...[more]
This year we have decided to combine LUCAS-dagen with the inauguration of the Mobile Heights Center in Lund. New date is Tuesday, October 21. New location is MHC, Mobilvägen 10. Welcome You will find the latest version of...[more]
Kristina Lindgärde 2014-08-27
År 2004 presenterade en grupp forskare en helt ny metod för att automatisera kravhantering, ett centralt område inom mjukvaruutveckling. Tio år senare har forskningen exploderat och gör nu sitt intåg inom den starkt växande...[more]
SDE@CS 2014-06-09
Poster by: Boris Magnusson and Björn A. Johnsson at Department of Computer Science, Lund University Everything connected?Different Devices – Different ProtocolsMultiple locations – Heterogenous networksPutting it all...[more]
Ny, unik IT-teknik underlättar för de cancerpatienter i Skåne som vill vårdas hemma. Projektet som drivs av Lunds Tekniska Högskola och Region Skåne får nu fortsatt finansering med drygt 13 miljoner kronor från Vinnova.- Nu ska...[more]
Graphics@cs 2013-11-21
Motivation: For any device, render optimal visual quality while maintaining a fixed performance set point.[more]
reqT is a requirements modelling tool for creating and managing requirements on evolving software-intensive systems. reqT combines natural language expressiveness with graph structures using an internal Scala DSL.[more]
SDE@CS 2012-04-11
Poster by: Emma Soderberg Gorel Hedin at Department of Computer Science, Lund University Problem: How to efficiently analyse the semantics of a changing program? Conclusions: The RAG solution had much...[more]
SDE@CS 2010-04-11
Poster by: Emma Soderberg Gorel Hedin at Department of Computer Science, Lund University Goal: Easy construction of integrated development environments (IDEs) Focus: Services relying on semantic information Method:...[more]
Upon selection of a requirement in one requirement set, ReqSimile calculates the similarity to all the requirements in another requirements set (which could also be the same set in order for finding duplicates and other...[more]
Under kulturnatten öppnar Robotlabbet på LTH för bokade studiebesök. Dessutom får alla som vill prova på att programmera sköldpaddor att rita. Plats: Studiecentrum, LTH.[more]