Computer Science News
Emelie Engström (LU/CS) has received ELLIIT funding for three years to support promising young researchers of under-represented gender. She will primarily focus on tools to support testing decisions in a complex software...[more]
In order to stay competitive, companies in all lines of business need to master software development. The SCALARE (SCALing sofwARE) project is developing a software Scaling Management Framework that will help industry scaling up...[more]
The scaling software project SCALARE is ramping up. Jonas Ahnlund is the newest employee at MAPCI and he will work fulltime with SCALARE.[more]
LTH Software (programvaruportalen) have three contributions at Embedded Conferences Scandinavia Syd in Malmö, March 10-11 [more]
Den första nomineringsrundan för den nystartade fonden för öppen källkod är nu öppen till den 1 mars och nås från[more]
Vanja Tufvesson och Nicklas Erman har tilldelats ett hedersomnämnande för deras examensarbete "Navigating Information Overload Caused by Automated Testing" i ämnena Elektroteknik- och informationsteknik och Datavetenskap. Vanja...[more]
Master Thesis Proposal: Network Analysis of Apache Software Foundation Source Code Repositories (2 students)[more]
LUCAS-day 2014 as part of the grand opening of Mobile Heights Center. Full program available![more]
A short paper that was presented at the ongoing ESEM conference i Torino, Italy has investigated what universities and other organisations has published and been cited most since 1997. No doubt is USA the most successful country...[more]
Kristina Lindgärde 2014-08-27
År 2004 presenterade en grupp forskare en helt ny metod för att automatisera kravhantering, ett centralt område inom mjukvaruutveckling. Tio år senare har forskningen exploderat och gör nu sitt intåg inom den starkt växande...[more]
reqT is a requirements modelling tool for creating and managing requirements on evolving software-intensive systems. reqT combines natural language expressiveness with graph structures using an internal Scala DSL.[more]