20th March, Three Computer Science Master Theses
Schema för examensarbete presentationer vid Institutionen för Datavetenskap, den 20:e mars, 2015.
Kl 09.15: Design of Dependable Systems on Android
Författare/Authors: Patrick Holmberg Forsyth
Handledare/Supervisor: Pal Szasz (Sony Mobile), Jesper Pedersen Notander (LTH)
Examinator/Examiner: Flavius Gruian (LTH)
Lokal/Room: E:2405
In this thesis we analyze the concepts of dependability and dependable systems. We investigate methods of designing and implementing dependable systems, in general, and on the Android operating system. A literature review was carried out with two main goals. Firstly, to gain and be able to spread knowledge of dependability according to both its qualitative and quantitative definitions. Secondly, to prove our theory that there is a lack of information regarding dependable systems on Android, establishing a need for this thesis. We then attempt to apply our newly acquired knowledge in a case study, where we design and implement a dependable system, in the form of a security camera application, on Android. This gives further insight into the challenges of designing dependable systems, and through our experience we learn how to overcome these challenges. While the scope was too large to go fully cover every aspect of dependability, we gained valuable knowledge that is presented in this thesis.
Kl 10.15: Rendering Light and Shadows for Transparent Objects
Författare/Authors: Isak Lindbeck
Handledare/Supervisor: Michael Doggett (LTH)
Examinator/Examiner: Flavius Gruian (LTH)
Lokal/Room: E:2405
This masters thesis presents a new approach to enable complex illumination and shadowing for transparent objects such as glass or smoke. This is achieved by combining two algorithms which are intended to run in a real time environment commonly found in modern computer games. The first algorithm is called "Light Linked List", it solves the problem of illuminating transparent objects and was recently presented at the SIGGRAPH2014 conference. The second algorithm is used for shadow calculations and is a new take on the "Deep Shadow Maps" technique. Both algorithms uses linked lists to a high degree, the lists are constructed on the GPU by taking advantage of recent hardware improvements and updates to the OpenGL API. By using these two algorithms together, we enable illumination and shadow casting of transparent object with a performance that allows for real time frame rates.
Kl 11.15: Multi-coefficient Parallel Adaptive Wavelet Rendering
Författare/Authors: Robin Somers
Handledare/Supervisor: Michael Doggett (LTH)
Examinator/Examiner: Tomas Akenine-Möller (LTH)
Lokal/Room: E:2405
Adaptive Wavelet Rendering is a sampling method used for ray tracing. The concept of wavelets and the so-called discrete wavelet transform is used to create a multi-scale view of the image when sampling. This allows the method to identify image variance on different levels and therefore to differentiate and appropriately handle variance resulting from sharp edges or blurred regions. The thesis investigates this algorithm and specifically how it can be improved through multi-core concurrency. To this end an alternative version is proposed which works on multiple regions simultaneously. Parallelism is considered for both the original and the alternative version. Furthermore, they are compared both based on the qualitative difference between their results and their respective performance gains through concurrency. It is shown that although the structure of the algorithm limits the potential for concurrency, some improvements can be made, especially for the alternative multi-coefficient version with results maintaining high quality.
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Presentationerna äger rum i E-huset, Ole Römersväg 3. Lokal: E:2405