CS MSc Day August 28 Schedule!
Nine theses will be presented in two parallel tracks on August 28.
August 28 is the day for the 10th coordinated master thesis presentations in Computer Science at Lund University, Faculty of engineering. Nine theses will be presented in two parallel tracks.
The presentations will take place in E-house, rooms E:2116, E:2405. A preliminary schedule follows.
Note to potential opponents: Register as opponent to the presentation of your choice by sending an email to the examiner for that presentation (firstname.lastname@cs.lth.se). Do not forget to specify the presentation you register for! Note that the number of opponents may be limited (often to two), so you might be forced to choose another presentation if you register too late. Registrations are individual, just as the oppositions are! More instructions are found on this page.
Track A (in E:2116) |
NAME | Farhad Johari |
ada10fjo@student.lu.se | |
TITLE | Integrationslösningar för Internet of Things |
EXAMINER | Flavius Gruian |
SUPERVISOR | Jesper Holmén Notander (LTH), Jens Christensen (Cybercom Sweden) |
ABSTRACT | The thesis briefly introduce a range of different integration solutions currently available on the market. Two solutions are chosen and theoretically analysed in depth. The analysis both describes how the solution works and describes the measures taken in order to protect it against attacks from third parties. The theoretical evaluation analyses how susceptible the solutions are against the replay and eavesdropping attacks. The theoretical evaluation is followed by a case study where one of the integration solutions are analysed practically. During the case study a smart home using the chosen platform is set up. The network is then attacked with the attacks described in the theoretical evaluation. The theoretical and practical outcomes are compared to see if they conform. During this study the theoretical and practical outcome did not conform due to faulty use of nonce values. The result of which prevented the equipment from differentiating authentic and inauthentic parties. |
NAME | Christer Persson, William Bengtsson |
christer.persson@gmail.com | |
TITLE | Evaluating PalCom as an Internet of Things Platform |
EXAMINER | Görel Hedin |
SUPERVISOR | Boris Magnusson (LTH), Rikard Windh (Combain AB) |
ABSTRACT | Palpable computing is a new research topic that has been developed to solve some of the issues found with the original way of looking at pervasive computing. The research into this topic has, among other things, resulted in a middleware called PalCom. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses with this middleware by comparing it to an existing system made with PHP, created by Combain AB. The comparison was done by evaluating different scenarios using both PHP and PalCom. The outcome from the evaluations show that the difference between PalCom and PHP, measured in development effort, does not differ signifcantly when building a simple system. However there is a difference between the two systems when it comes to more advanced features such as updating and adding logic dynamically to devices. |
NAME | Vatan Bytyqi, Jonas Jinbäck |
ada10vby@student.lu.se | |
TITLE | Overview browser for PalCom assemblies |
EXAMINER | Görel Hedin |
SUPERVISOR | Boris Magnusson (LTH) |
ABSTRACT | Internet of Things (IoT) has become a frequent subject mentioned worldwide. PalCom is a system for handling the problems that occurs in IoT applications and is focused on the user groups that are developers and skilled PalCom participants. This forecloses a higher level user group for managing their own PalCom network, e.g. end users for a smart home where they build their own smart home manager with PalCom. In this Master's Thesis we came up with a solution for a tool that shows an overview of an assembly and that is able to edit such an assembly. The assembly is used to create and manage the devices in the network. The evaluation was done by letting people try our solution and the old one and then compare the results. |
NAME | Victor Strömberg |
jbl-3@hotmail.com | |
TITLE | Real-Time Volumetric Lighting using SVOs |
EXAMINER | Flavius Gruian |
SUPERVISOR | Michael Doggett (LTH) |
ABSTRACT | This thesis experiments with the data structure of a sparse octree to see if it may improve the performance of empty space ray marching in volumes. While ray marching is a somewhat new technique it is used more often in traversal of volumes. It can be used for realistic volumetric effects in computer games or it can be used in the medical field when examining and visualizing MRI scans. While it has many uses it is however very computationally heavy. The usage in real-time applications is therefore limited as the hardware must be able to maintain enough frames per second to satisfy the standard. Normally one would sample the volume with a fixed sample step in order to extract the information in the volume, even if there is just empty space. The idea of a sparse octree is that it allows the ray to take greater steps past this empty space and thus only sample the actual data. This thesis will explain how to implement and use an octree when rendering smoke in a volume, and showcasing the many challenges that comes with this. The result is compared with a three dimensional texture of the same smoke. |
Track B (in E:2405) |
NAME | Mehmet Fatih Cicek, Soheil Afghani Khorasgani |
ada10mci@student.lu.se | |
TITLE | Vad karaktäriserar komplexa ärenden i mjukvaruprojekt? |
EXAMINATOR | Per Runeson |
SUPERVISOR | Markus Borg (LTH), Anders Malmberg (CGI) |
ABSTRACT | There is need for a lot of processes and proper methods to ensure that the developed product maintains a good quality. Companies that are market-driven need to make quick decisions in order to have a competitive edge in the market. The difficulty arises in that the organization often has to deal with many changes arriving from customers and these can be of varying complexity. CGI is among the world’s largest IT companies, and has a large clientele. The support organization in Malmö classifies an incident as being complex when X number of hours have been reported. By implementing a web-based time reporting system, we have identified the most time-consuming incidents, and conducted in-depth studies on these. Furthermore we have interviewed the support staff of the company and used the result of the interviews and our in-depth studies to identify potential factors that could explain why complex incidents become larger and more time-consuming than other incidents. |
NAME | Jonathan Klingberg |
jonathan.klingberg@gmail.com | |
TITLE | Piping for Continuous Delivery |
EXAMINER | Ulf Asklund |
SUPERVISOR | Lars Bendix (LTH) |
ABSTRACT | Many companies are transforming their development process by leaving an old-fashioned one, like the waterfall model, behind and instead aiming to become more agile. With this comes the need to have short release cycles to be able to get feedback faster. The name Continuous Delivery has emerged from the agile community and it defines the principle of frequent deliveries in a highly automated manner. This case-study is based on a company which delivery process fails to keep up with the clients need for rapid upgrades. By localizing the main barriers in today's process and discussing how Continuous Delivery-principles can be used to address these problems, we will end up in an alternative release management process which is more rapid and further also lives up to the clients needs. By creating a prototype of an improved delivery pipeline this can be used as a proof of concept before implemented at scale. |
NAME | Alexander Haraldsson |
ada09aha@student.lu.se | |
TITLE | Reaching across - managing variants of one application on multiple platforms |
EXAMINER | Ulf Asklund |
SUPERVISOR | Lars Bendix |
ABSTRACT | The number of software platforms to support in today's software projects are many and there are a wide range of differences to consider. There are tons of programming languages on the market and each platform, both mobile and desktop, have different preferences on how to develop applications; both regarding programming languages and features. This makes the development of cross platform applications very cumbersome. The report approaches the problem from a double maintenance point of view and examines how to find commonalities and keep them in sync. It does also focus on not losing the strengths of each platform and allow them to handle some tasks differently. The report concludes that web technology is a promising way to go to build common parts of the application. To access the platform specifics and reach the platforms strength there is a division into components and communication bridges between the programming languages are created. |
NAME | Axel Ulmestig |
axel.ulmestig@gmail.com | |
TITLE | Applications of Cloud-Based Cognitive Computing, Identifying Frequent Complaints from Social Media |
EXAMINER | Björn Regnell |
SUPERVISOR | Pierre Nugues |
ABSTRACT | This thesis explores the possibility of using \emph{IBMs} cloud based software \emph{Watson} for extracting complaints from social media. This is done with two different methods of storing the data from tweets which are both based on \emph{Watsons} text parsing functionality. Different words or parts of sentences is then extracted and compared to other sources in order to determine if it can be considered a complaint, and if so, how common it is. A small test with a few test subjects and tweets resulted in no overlap between the problems found by the system and the test subjects. As a result, \emph{Watson} in its current state is not to be considered a sufficient tool for doing this type of sentiment analysis. The fact that it was cloud based did however make the process of continuously gathering and analysing information easier. |
NAME | Marcus Resell, Anders Rehn |
ada10mre@student.lu.se | |
TITLE | A mobile-first approach to reduce complexity in learning management systems |
EXAMINER | Pierre Nugues |
SUPERVISOR | Flavius Gruian (LTH), Marcus Klang (LTH), Jörgen Bitzekis (Svenssons i Lammhult) |
ABSTRACT | While learning management system platforms are getting more widely used by companies, schools and other organizations around the world as a means for electronic educational technology, they’re also increasing in complexity. Due to competition, technology advancements and other factors, most learning systems today get packed with a lot of different features which are responsible for the added complexity. Social community feeds, forums, user-to-user chat and sometimes an abundance of different platform functions which exist due to the willingness to satisfy every possible need are just some examples. As these features can be attractive to a lot of organizations, they are also the direct opposite for others. This report will focus on evaluating existing learning systems and on the creation of a new mobile based learning management system with accompanying performance management features which is suitable for educating personnel with limited technical experience. |