Utilizing Industry-Academia Collaboration for Better Software
Welcome to LUCAS-dagen 2016, October 20, in Kårhuset, Lund. The objective of the annual LUCAS-day is to inspire and develop collaboration between industry and academia in the field of applied software. The focus of LUCAS-dagen 2016 is to explore the diversified experiences from the last 15 years of mutually beneficial Industry-Academia collaboration.
We have invited Professor Eric Giertz, KTH, to share research results and experiences on the topic. On the technical side Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University will focus on the industry relevant topic of Model Driven Engineering in High Tech Industry.
When we, as usual, present fresh results from joint research projects, we will also reflect on the different forms of collaboration behind the results. On an organizational level, long-term partners such as Ericsson and ABB will share their experiences and expectations – and so will newer members in the innovation system, such as Bosch.
When: October 20, 9.30-17.00
Where: Kårhuset, John Ericssons väg 3, Lund
Detailed program and registration: http://www.lth.se/lucasdagen2016
On the agenda
Keynote speakers:
- Eric Giertz, KTH Research and business development in Sweden
- Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University of Technology: Model Driven Engineering in High Tech Industry
Morning session:
- Mobile speed in automotive (Robert Lagerstedt, Bosch)
- Fifteen years of collaboration on domain-specific languages (Ulf Hagberg, ABB)
- The symbiosis between industry and academia (Björn Ekelund, Ericsson)
- Lund Involvement in WASP (Görel Hedin, Lund University)
LUNCH with posters, demos and LUFOSS Award Ceremony
Afternoon session:
- I fired my hardware architect! Who's going to write the program? (Flavius Gruian)
- Big Data with Spark/Hadoop - a course given to industry (Pierre Nugues, LTH and Marcus Klang, LTH)
- SCALARE - A framework that will help industry scaling up software (Martin Höst)
- End-User Composition of Graphical User Interfaces for PalCom Systems (Björn A Johnsson, LTH)
- TagOn - Mitigating bottlenecks in emergency ward trough realtime tracking of equipment and people (Sten Minör, MAPCI)
- Local Positioning Systems (Kalle Åström, LTH)
- IoTaP – Internet of Things and People (Paul Davidsson, MAH)
- Exploratory testing - black or white? (Peter Visuri, Sony and Elizabeth Bjarnason, LTH)
Per Runeson Boris Magnusson Karl-Erik Årzén