Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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ORCID: 0000-0002-9563-4000

Google scholar: WaxK-y9Xx18C


  1. Pierre M. Nugues. Language Processing with Perl and Prolog. Theories, Implementation, and Application. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, second edition, August 2014. [site du livre] [site chez Springer Verlag]
  2. Pierre Nugues, An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog. An Outline of Theories, Implementation, and Application with Special Consideration of English, French, and German . Series: Cognitive Technologies, Springer, 2006, 514 p. 153 illus., ISBN: 3-540-25031-X. [site chez Springer Verlag]


  1. Dennis Medved, Mattias Ohlsson, Peter Höglund, Bodil Andersson, Pierre Nugues, and Johan Nilsson. Improving prediction of heart transplantation outcome using deep learning techniques. Scientific Reports, 8(3613):1–9, 2018.
  2. Nina Tahmasebi, Lars Borin, Gabriele Capannini, Devdatt Dubhashi, Peter Exner, Markus Forsberg, Gerhard Gossen, Fredrik D. Johansson, Richard Johansson, Mikael Kågebäck, Olof Mogren, Pierre Nugues, and Thomas Risse. Visions and open challenges for a knowledge-based culturomics. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 15(2-4):169–187, 2015.
  3. Tobias Ek, Camilla Kirkegaard, Håkan Jonsson, and Pierre Nugues. Named entity recognition for short text messages. Procedia -- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 27:178-187, 2011. [Elsevier Procedia]
  4. Évelyne Klinger, Stéphane Bouchard, Patrick Légeron, Stéphane Roy, Françoise Lauer, Isabelle Chemin, Pierre Nugues. Virtual reality therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for social phobia: A preliminary controlled study. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 8(1):76-88, February 2005.
  5. Stéphane Roy, Évelyne Klinger, Patrick Légeron, Françoise Lauer, Isabelle Chemin, Pierre Nugues, Definition of a VR-based protocol to treat social phobia, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 6(4):411-420, August, 2003.
  6. Patrick Légeron, Stéphane Roy, Évelyne Klinger, Isabelle Chemin, Françoise Lauer, Christophe André, Gérard Macqueron, Pierre Nugues, Thérapie par réalité virtuelle dans la phobie sociale: étude préliminaire auprès de 36 patients, Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 13(3):113-127, Septembre 2003.
  7. Giuseppe Riva, Mariano Alcaniz, Luigi Anolli, Monica Bacchetta, Rosa Baños, Francesco Beltrame, Cristina Botella, Carlo Galimberti, Luciano Gamberini, Andrea Gaggioli, Enrico Molinari, Giuseppe Mantovani, Pierre Nugues, Gabriele Optale, G. Orsi, Conxa Perpina, Roberto Troiani. The VEPSY updated project: Virtual reality in clinical psychology. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 4(4):449-55, 2001.
  8. Giuseppe Riva, Monica Bacchetta, Margherita Baruffi, Cécile Defrance, Fabiana Gatti, Carlo Galimberti, Pierre Nugues, Giacomo Samuelli Ferretti, Andrea Tonci, VREPAR 2: VR in Eating Disorders, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2(1):77-79, 1999.
  9. Fabrice Tabordet, Fabrice Pied, Pierre Nugues, Scene Visualization and Animation from Texts in a Virtual Environment, CC AI. The journal for the integrated study of artificial intelligence, cognitive science and applied epistemology . Special issue on visualization, Guest editor: T.G. De Paepe, 15(4):339-349, 1999. [doc.gz] [pdf].
  10. Olivier Bersot, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre Nugues, A Conversational Agent to Help navigation and Collaboration in Virtual Worlds, Virtual Reality, 3(1):71-82, 1998. [pdf] [bibtex].
  11. Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Pierre Nugues, Analyse syntaxique combinant deux formalismes au sein d'un Chart hiérarchique, Humankybernetik, 38(3):135-144, 1997. [doc] [html] [pdf].
  12. Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Frédéric Revolta, Pierre Nugues, Un agent conversationnel pour naviguer dans les mondes virtuels, Humankybernetik, 37(1):39-51, 1996. [doc] [html] [pdf].
  13. P.-M. Nugues, Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Image Interpretation, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 40(8):760-770, August 1993. Available from IEEE Xplore.
  14. Pierre Nugues, Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj et Frédéric Cazenave, Un système de dialogue oral homme machine pour la génération de comptes rendus médicaux, Innovation et technologie en biologie et médecine, 14(4):469-480, septembre 1993.

^Chapitres de livres

  1. Dennis Medved, Fangyuan Jiang, Peter Exner, Magnus Oskarsson, Pierre Nugues, and Kalle Åström. Improving the detection of relations between objects in an image using textual semantics. In Ana Fred, Maria De Marsico, and Antoine Tabbone, editors, Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, volume 9443 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 133–145. Springer International Publishing, 2015. [pdf]
  2. Évelyne Klinger, Patrick Légeron, Stéphane Roy, Françoise Lauer, Isabelle Chemin, Pierre Nugues, Virtual Reality Exposure in the Treatment of Social Phobia, In Giuseppe Riva, Cristina Botella, Patrick Légeron, Gabriele Optale (Eds.), Cybertherapy: Internet and Virtual Reality as Assessment and Rehabilitation Tools for Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience , volume 99 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Chapter 6, pages 91-120, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2004. [pdf].
  3. Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre-Olivier El-Guedj, Frédéric Revolta, Pierre Nugues, Ulysse: An Interactive, Spoken Dialogue Interface to Navigate in Virtual Worlds, Lexical, syntactic, and semantic issues, in: John Vince and Ray Earnshaw (Eds), Virtual Worlds on the Internet, Chapter 4, pages 53-70 & 308-312, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1999.
  4. Christophe Godéreaux, Korinna Diebel, Pierre-Olivier El-Guedj, Frédéric Revolta, Pierre Nugues, An Interactive, Spoken Dialog Interface in Virtual Worlds, in: John H. Connolly and Lyn Pemberton (Eds), Linguistic Concepts and Methods in CSCW, Chapter 13, pages 177-200, Springer, London, 1996.

^Conférences avec comité de lecture

  1. Marcus Klang and Pierre Nugues. Linking, searching, and visualizing entities in Wikipedia. In Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair), Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Koiti Hasida, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis, and Takenobu Tokunaga, editors, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), pages 3426–3432, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018 2018. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
  2. Dennis Medved, Pierre Nugues, and Johan Nilsson. Simulating the outcome of heart allocation policies using deep neural networks. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 6141–6144, Honolulu, July 2018.
  3. Marcus Klang and Pierre Nugues. Docforia: A multilayer document model. In Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, page 226–230, Gothenburg, May 2017.
  4. Alexander Wallin and Pierre Nugues. Coreference resolution for Swedish and German using distant supervision. In Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, page 46–55, Gothenburg, May 2017.
  5. Anton Södergren and Pierre Nugues. A multilingual entity linker using PageRank and semantic graphs. In Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, page 87–95, Gothenburg, May 2017.
  6. Dennis Medved, Pierre Nugues, and Johan Nilsson. Predicting the outcome for patients in a heart transplantation queue using deep learning. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 74–77, Jeju Island, July 2017.
  7. Marcus Klang, Firas Dib, and Pierre Nugues. Overview of the Ugglan entity discovery and linking system. In Proceedings of the Tenth Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2017), Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2017.
  8. Marcus Klang and Pierre Nugues. WIKIPARQ: A tabulated Wikipedia resource using the Parquet format. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), pages 4141–4148, Portorož, Slovenia, may 2016.
  9. Dennis Medved, Pierre Nugues, and Johan Nilsson. Selection of an optimal feature set to predict heart transplantation outcomes. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 3290–3293, Orlando, Aug 2016.
  10. Marcus Klang and Pierre Nugues. Langforia: Language pipelines for annotating large collections of documents. In Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, pages 74–78, Osaka, Japan, December 2016. The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee.
  11. Marcus Klang and Pierre Nugues. Docforia: A multilayer document model. In Proceedings of SLTC 2016, Umeå, November 2016.
  12. Peter Exner, Marcus Klang, and Pierre Nugues. Multilingual supervision of semantic annotation. In Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers, pages 1007–1017, Osaka, Japan, December 2016. The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee.
  13. Peter Exner, Marcus Klang, and Pierre Nugues. Generating a Swedish semantic role labeler. In Proceedings of The Sixth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC 2016), Umeå, November 2016.
  14. Marcus Klang and Pierre Nugues. Pairing wikipedia articles across languages. In Proceedings of the Open Knowledge Base and Question Answering Workshop (OKBQA 2016), pages 72–76, Osaka, Japan, December 2016. The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee.
  15. Anton Södergren, Marcus Klang, and Pierre Nugues. Linking, searching, and visualizing entities for the Swedish Wikipedia. In Proceedings of The Sixth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC 2016), Umeå, November 2016.
  16. Océane Chabrol, David Norrestam, and Pierre Nugues. Automatic creation of multilingual semantic networks from Wikipedia. In Proceedings of The Sixth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC 2016), Umeå, November 2016.
  17. Rebecka Weegar, Kalle Åström, and Pierre Nugues. Linking entities across images and text. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, pages 185–193, Beijing, July 2015.
  18. Firas Dib, Simon Lindberg, and Pierre Nugues. Extraction of career profiles from Wikipedia. In BD2015, Proceedings of the First Conference on Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015, pages 33–38, Amsterdam, April 2015. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  19. Peter Exner, Marcus Klang, and Pierre Nugues. A distant supervision approach to semantic role labeling. In Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, pages 239–248, Denver, Colorado, June 2015. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  20. Magnus Norrby and Pierre Nugues. Extraction of lethal events from Wikipedia and a semantic repository. In Proceedings of the workshop on Semantic resources and semantic annotation for Natural Language Processing and the Digital Humanities at NODALIDA 2015, pages 28–25, Vilnius, May 11 2015.
  21. Agnes Tegen, Rebecka Weegar, Linus Hammarlund, Magnus Oskarsson, Fangyuan Jiang, Dennis Medved, Pierre Nugues, and Kalle Åström. Image segmentation and labeling using free-form semantic annotation. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), Stockholm, August 24-28 2014.
  22. Rebecka Weegar, Linus Hammarlund, Agnes Tegen, Magnus Oskarsson, Kalle Åström, and Pierre Nugues. Visual entity linking: A preliminary study. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2014 Workshop on Cognitive Computing for Augmented Human Intelligence, pages 46–49, Québec, July 27 2014. [pdf]
  23. Jakob Grundström and Pierre Nugues. Using syntactic features in answer reranking. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2014 Workshop on Cognitive Computing for Augmented Human Intelligence, pages 13–19, Québec, July 27 2014. [pdf]
  24. Håkan Jonsson, Pierre Nugues, Alex Tavella, Izabela Amaral, Marina Tachibana, and Vinicius Santos. Proximity-based reminders using Bluetooth. In Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pages 151–153, March 2014.
  25. Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues. REFRACTIVE: An open source tool to extract knowledge from syntactic and semantic relations. In LREC, The 9th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 2584–2589, Reykjavik, May 27-29 2014. [pdf]
  26. Dennis Medved, Fangyuan Jiang, Peter Exner, Magnus Oskarsson, Pierre Nugues, and Kalle Åström. Combining text semantics and image geometry to improve scene interpretation. In Proceedings of ICPRAM 2014 – The 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Method, pages 479–486, Angers, March 6-8 2014. [pdf]
  27. Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues. KOSHIK: A large-scale distributed computing framework for NLP. In Proceedings of ICPRAM 2014 – The 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 464–470, Angers, March 6-8 2014. [pdf]
  28. Håkan Jonsson and Pierre Nugues. Proximates – a social context engine. In PerCAM 2013: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Pervasive and Context-Aware Middleware, Dublin, December 3 2013.
  29. Maj Stenmark and Pierre Nugues. Natural language programming of industrial robots. In ISR 2013: Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium on Robotics, Seoul, October 24-26 2013. [pdf]
  30. Dennis Medved, Johan Nilsson, and Pierre Nugues. Streamlining a transplantation survival prediction program with a RDF triplestore. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences, System papers, Montréal, 2013. [pdf]
  31. Lars Borin, Devdatt Dubhashi, Markus Forsberg, Richard Johansson, Dimitrios Kokkinakis, and Pierre Nugues. Mining semantics for culturomics – towards a knowledge-based approach. In UnstructureNLP ’13: Proceedings of the 2013 international workshop on Mining unstructured big data using natural language processing, pages 3–10, San Francisco, October 28 2013. [pdf]
  32. Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues. Entity extraction: From unstructured text to DBpedia RDF triples. In Proceedings of the Web of Linked Entities Workshop (WoLE 2012), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 58–69, Boston, November 11 2012. [pdf]
  33. Tobias Arrskog, Peter Exner, Håkan Jonsson, Peter Norlander, and Pierre Nugues. Hyperlocal event extraction of future events. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2012), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 11–20, Boston, November 12 2012. [pdf]
  34. Marcus Stamborg and Pierre Nugues. Statistical identification of pleonastic pronouns. In Proceedings of SLTC 2012, The Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference, pages 67–68, Lund, October, 24-26 2012. [pdf]
  35. Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues. Ontology matching: from PropBank to DBpedia. In Proceedings of SLTC 2012, The Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference, pages 25–26, Lund, October 24-26 2012. [pdf]
  36. Andreas Salomonsson, Svetoslav Marinov, and Pierre Nugues. Identification of entities in Swedish. In Proceedings of SLTC 2012, The Fourth Swedish Language Technology Conference, pages 63–64, Lund, October 24-26 2012. [pdf]
  37. Marcus Stamborg, Dennis Medved, Peter Exner, and Pierre Nugues. Using syntactic dependencies to solve coreferences. In Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL – Shared Task, pages 64–70, Jeju Island, Korea, July 2012. [pdf]
  38. Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues. Constructing large proposition databases. In Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), pages 3836-3840, Istanbul, May 23-25 2012. [pdf] [html]
  39. Rasmus Sundberg, Anders Eriksson, Johan Bini, and Pierre Nugues. Visualizing sentiment analysis on a user forum. In Proceedings of the eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), pages 3573-3579, Istanbul, May 23-25 2012. [pdf] [html]
  40. Anders Björkelund, Jacek Malec, Klas Nilsson, Pierre Nugues, and Herman Bruyninckx. Knowledge for intelligent industrial robots. In Proceedings of the 2012 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Stanford, March 26–28 2012. [html]
  41. Peter Exner and Pierre Nugues. Using semantic role labeling to extract events from Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2011). Workshop in conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference 2011 (ISWC 2011) , Bonn, October 23--24 2011. [pdf]
  42. Anders Björkelund, Jacek Malec, Klas Nilsson, and Pierre Nugues. Knowledge and skill representations for robotized production. In Proceedings of the 18th IFAC Congress, Milan, August 28--September 2, 2011. [pdf]
  43. Tobias Ek, Camilla Kirkegaard, Håkan Jonsson, and Pierre Nugues. Named entity recognition for short text messages. In Proceedings of the 12th PACLING Conference, Kuala Lumpur, July 19-21, 2011.
  44. Anders Björkelund and Pierre Nugues. Exploring lexicalized features for coreference resolution. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2011): Shared Task , pages 45-50, Portland, Oregon, June 23-24, 2011. [pdf]
  45. Håkan Jonsson, Pierre Nugues, Christofer Bach, and Johan Gunnarsson. Text mining of personal communication. Understanding the technical and privacy related challenges. In 14th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), Berlin, October 11-14 2010. [pdf]
  46. Anders Björkelund, Bernd Bohnet, Love Hafdell, and Pierre Nugues. A high-performance syntactic and semantic dependency parser. In Coling 2010: Demonstration Volume, pages 33-36, Beijing, August 23-27 2010. [pdf]
  47. Peter Nilsson and Pierre Nugues. Automatic Discovery of Feature Sets for Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), pages 824-832, Beijing, August 23-27 2010. [pdf]
  48. Stefan Karlsson and Pierre Nugues. Automatic learning of discourse relations in Swedish using cue phrases. In Hrafn Loftsson, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, and Sigrún Helgadóttir, editors, Advances in Natural Language Processing, 7th International Conference on NLP, IceTAL 2010, volume 6233 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 179-184, Reykjavik, August 16-18 2010. [link] [submitted version]
  49. Jacob Persson, Axel Gallois, Anders Björkelund, Love Hafdell, Mathias Haage, Jacek Malec, Klas Nilsson, and Pierre Nugues. A Knowledge Integration Framework for Robotics, In Proceedings of the joint conference of the 41st International Symposium on Robotics and the 6th German Conference on Robotics , Munich, June 7-9 2010. [pdf]
  50. Sebastian Ganslandt, Jakob Jörwall, and Pierre Nugues. Predictive text entry using syntax and semantics. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT), pages 37--48, Paris, October 7-9 2009. Version with typo corrections [pdf]
  51. Anders Björkelund, Love Hafdell, and Pierre Nugues. Multilingual semantic role labeling. In Proceedings of The Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2009) , pages 43--48, Boulder, June 4--5 2009. [pdf]
  52. Jacob Persson, Richard Johansson, and Pierre Nugues. Text categorization using predicate-argument structures. In Kristiina Jokinen and Eckhard Bick, editors, Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2009), pages 142--149, Odense, May 14- 16 2009. [pdf]
  53. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Dependency-based semantic role labeling of PropBank. In Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2008), pages 69--78, Honolulu, October 25--27 2008. [pdf]
  54. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. The effect of syntactic representation on semantic role labeling. In Proceedings of Coling 2008: The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pages 393--400, Manchester, August 18-22 2008. [pdf]
  55. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Dependency-based syntactic--semantic analysis with PropBank and NomBank. In Proceedings of CoNLL-2008: The Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, pages 183--187, Manchester, August 16-17 2008. [pdf]
  56. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Comparing dependency and constituent syntax for frame-semantic analysis. In Proceedings of LREC 2008: The sixth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakech, May 28-30 2008. [pdf]
  57. Mathias Haage, Anders Nilsson, and Pierre Nugues. Toward ontologies and services for assisting industrial robot setup and instruction. In Joaquim Filipe, Juan Andrade Cetto, and Jean-Louis Ferrier, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) , volume 2, pages 263--270, Funchal, Madeira, May 11-15, 2008. [pdf]
  58. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Syntactic representations considered for frame-semantic analysis. In Proceedings of TLT 2007: The Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Bergen, December 7-8 2007. [pdf]
  59. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Incremental dependency parsing using online learning. In Proceedings of the CoNLL Shared Task Session of EMNLP-CoNLL, pages 1134-1138, Prague, June 28-30 2007. [pdf]
  60. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. LTH: Semantic structure extraction using nonprojective dependency trees. In Proceedings of SemEval-2007: 4th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations , pages 227-230, Prague, June 23-24 2007. [pdf]
  61. Jonas Granfeldt and Pierre Nugues. Évaluation des stades de développement en français langue étrangère. In Nabil Hathout and Philippe Muller (eds), Actes de la 14e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (communications orales) , volume 1, pages 357-366, Toulouse, 5-8 juin 2007. [pdf]
  62. Jonas Granfeldt and Pierre Nugues. Evaluating stages of development in second language French: A machine-learning approach. In Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek, and Mare Koit (eds), NODALIDA 2007 Conference Proceedings, pages 73-80, Tartu, May 25-26 2007. [pdf]
  63. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Extended constituent-to-dependency conversion for English. In Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek, and Mare Koit (eds), NODALIDA 2007 Conference Proceedings, pages 105-112, Tartu, May 25-26 2007. [pdf]
  64. Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues. Using WordNet to extend FrameNet coverage. In Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues (eds.), FRAME 2007: Building Frame Semantics Resources for Scandinavian and Baltic Languages, pages 27-30, Tartu, May 24 2007. [pdf]
  65. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. A FrameNet-based Semantic Role Labeler for Swedish. In Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions, pages 436--443, Sydney, July 17-21 2006. [pdf]
  66. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. Investigating Multilingual Dependency Parsing. In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CONLL-X), pages 206--210, New York, June 8-9, 2006 [pdf]
  67. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. Construction of a FrameNet labeler for Swedish text. In Proceedings of LREC-2006, The fifth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 815--820, Genoa, Italy, May 24-26 2006. [pdf]
  68. Jonas Granfeldt, Pierre Nugues, Emil Persson, Jonas Thulin, Malin Ågren, Suzanne Schlyter. CEFLE and Direkt Profil: a new computer learner corpus in French L2 and a system for grammatical profiling. In Proceedings of LREC-2006, The fifth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 565--570, Genoa, Italy, May 24-26 2006. [pdf]
  69. Anders Berglund, Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. Extraction of temporal information from texts in Swedish. In Proceedings of LREC-2006, The fifth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 259--264, Genoa, Italy, May 24-26 2006. [pdf]
  70. Anders Berglund, Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. A machine learning approach to extract temporal information from texts in Swedish and generate animated 3D scenes. In Proceedings of EACL-2006, 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics , pages 385-392, Trento, Italy, April 15-16 2006. [pdf]
  71. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. Automatic annotation for all semantic layers in FrameNet. In Proceedings of EACL-2006, Conference Companion, 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics , pages 135-138, Trento, Italy, April 15-16 2006. [pdf]
  72. Richard Johansson, Anders Berglund, Magnus Danielsson, Pierre Nugues. Automatic text-to-scene conversion in the traffic accident domain. In IJCAI-05, Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1073-1078, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 July-5 August 2005. [pdf]
  73. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. Using Parallel Corpora for Automatic Transfer of FrameNet Annotation. In Proceedings of the 1st ROMANCE FrameNet Workshop, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2005. [pdf]
  74. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues. Sparse Bayesian classification of predicate arguments. In CoNLL-2005: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics , pages 177-200, Ann Arbor, June 29-30 2005. [pdf]
  75. Jonas Granfeldt, Pierre Nugues, Emil Persson, Lisa Persson, Fabian Kostadinov, Malin Ågren, Suzanne Schlyter. Direkt profil: A system for evaluating texts of second language learners of French based on developmental sequences. In Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics , pages 53 -60, Ann Arbor, June 29 2005. [pdf]
  76. Jonas Granfeldt, Pierre Nugues, Emil Persson, Lisa Persson, Fabian Kostadinov, Malin Ågren, Suzanne Schlyter. Direkt profil : un système d'évaluation de textes d'élèves de français langue étrangère fondé sur les itinéraires d'acquisition. In Actes de la conférence Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, TALN & RECITAL 2005 , Tome 1 - Conférences principales, pages 113-122, Dourdan, France, 6-10 juin 2005. [pdf]
  77. Sven Karlsson, Pierre Nugues. Writing assistance using language models derived from the web. In NODALIDA 2005, Abstracts of the 15th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics, pages 49-50, Joensuu, Finland, May 20-21 2005. [html]
  78. Richard Johansson, David Williams, Pierre Nugues. Converting texts of road accidents into 3D scenes. In Ramon López de Mántaras and Lorenza Saitta, editors, ECAI 2004, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1035-1036, Valencia, Spain, August 23-27 2004. IOS Press. [pdf]
  79. Richard Johansson, David Williams, Anders Berglund, Pierre Nugues. Carsim: A system to visualize written road accident reports as animated 3D scenes. In Graeme Hirst and Sergei Nirenburg (Eds), Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Text Meaning and Interpretation, 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics , pages 57-64, Barcelona, Spain, July 25-26 2004. [pdf]
  80. Dominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues, Patrick de Torcy. The integral dictionary: An ontological resource for the semantic web. In Proceedings of LREC 2004, Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Lisbon, May 26-28 2004. ELRA.
  81. Richard Johansson, Pierre Nugues, David Williams. Carsim: A system to convert written accident reports into animated 3D scenes. In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint SAIS/SSLS Workshop Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems, AILS-04 , pages 76-86, Lund, Sweden, April 15-16 2004. Proceedings published as Technical report 151, LU-CS-TR:2004-230, Lund University.
  82. Pierre Nugues, Sylvain Dupuy, Arjan Egges, Carsim : un système pour convertir des textes en scènes tridimensionnelles animées, 14e congrès de l'AFRIF-AFIA, Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence artificielle, volume 2, pages 695-703, Toulouse, 28-30 janvier 2004. [pdf].
  83. Pierre Nugues, Sylvain Dupuy, Arjan Egges, Information Extraction to Generate Visual Simulations of Car Accidents from Written Descriptions, In Vipin Kumar, Marina L. Gavrilova, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan, Pierre L'Écuyer, (Eds.): In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2667, pp. 31-40, May 18-21, Montréal, 2003. Available from SpringerLink [pdf].
  84. Dominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues, Patrick de Torcy, The Integral Dictionary: A Lexical Network Based on Componential Semantics, In Vipin Kumar, Marina L. Gavrilova, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan, Pierre L'écuyer, (Eds.): In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2667, pp. May 18-21, pp. 368-377, Montréal, 2003. Available from SpringerLink [pdf].
  85. Ola Åkerberg, Hans Svensson, Bastian Schulz, Pierre Nugues, CarSim: An Automatic 3D Text-to-Scene Conversion System Applied to Road Accident Reports, In Proceedings of the Research Notes and Demonstrations of the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics , pp. 191-194, April 12-17, Budapest, 2003. [pdf]
  86. Jon Hasselgren, Erik Montnemery, Pierre Nugues, Markus Svensson, HMS: A Predictive Text Entry Method Using Bigrams, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Modeling for Text Entry Methods, 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics, pp. 43-49, April 12-17, Budapest, 2003. [pdf]
  87. Ola Åkerberg, Hans Svensson, Bastian Schulz, Pierre Nugues, CarSim: A 3D Text-to-Scene Converter Applied to Road Accident Reports, CLIN 2002, Groningen, November 29, 2002.
  88. Évelyne Klinger, Isabelle Chemin, Patrick Légeron, Stéphane Roy, Françoise Lauer, Pierre Nugues, Issues in the Design of Virtual Environments for the Treatment of Social Phobia. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Virtual Reality Rehabilitation (VRMHR2002) , Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 261-273, November 7-8, 2002. [pdf] [bibtex]
  89. Mathias Haage, Susanne Schötz, Pierre Nugues, A Prototype Robot Speech Interface with Multimodal Feedback, In IEEE ROMAN 2002, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp. 247-252, Berlin, 25-27 September, 2002. [pdf]
  90. Dominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues, A lexical network and an algorithm to find words from definitions, In Frank van Harmelen (ed.): ECAI2002, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lyon, 21-26 July 2002, pp.450-454, IOS Press, Amsterdam. [pdf]
  91. Pierre Nugues, Language Processing and Visualization, Natural Language Processing and Visualization, ACL-02 workshop, Philadelphia, 12 July 2002.
  92. Dominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues, An algorithm to find words from definitions, in Manuel González Rodríguez and Carmen Paz Suarez Araujo (eds), Proceedings of LREC 2002, Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp. 1004-1011, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 29-31 May 2002.
  93. Sylvain Dupuy, Arjan Egges, Pierre Nugues, Improving the 3D simulation of a car accident from a written description, CLIN 2001, Enschede, November 30, 2001. [Slides doc.gz]
  94. Sylvain Dupuy, Arjan Egges, Vincent Legendre, Pierre Nugues, Generating a 3D Simulation of a Car Accident From a Written Description in Natural Language: The CarSim System, in Proceedings of The Workshop, on Temporal and Spatial Information Processing, pp. 1-8,ACL 2001 Conference, Toulouse, 7 July 2001. [pdf]
  95. Arjan Egges, Anton Nijholt, Pierre Nugues, Generating a 3D Simulation of a Car Accident from a Formal Description, In Proceedings of The International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Environments and Three-Dimensional Imaging , ICAV3D, pp. 220-223, May 30-June 01, 2001, Mykonos, Grèce. [pdf]
  96. Arjan Egges, Anton Nijholt, Pierre Nugues, CarSim: Automatic 3D Scene Generation of a Car Accident Description, TR-CTIT-01-08, Technical report from the CTIT center of the University of Twente, March 2001. Extended version of the ICAV3D article.
  97. Pierre Nugues, Verbal interactions in virtual worlds, ACM SIGCHI, CHI 2000 Workshop on Natural Language Interfaces, The Hague, The Netherlands, April 3, 2000. (A version with some typos fixed).
  98. Pierre Nugues, Interactions verbales dans des mondes virtuels. L'exemple d'agents conversationnels pour naviguer et déléguer des actions, Conférence d'ouverture des Journées Réalité Virtuelle et Cognition, coordonnateurs Alain Grumbach et Nadine Richard, ENST, Paris, 14-15 décembre 1999. [transparents doc.gz]
  99. Isabelle Chemin, Pierre Nugues, Une démarche artistique autour de la perception humaine, in: actes des Journées Réalité Virtuelle et Cognition, coordonnateurs Alain Grumbach et Nadine Richard, pp. 33-40, ENST, Paris, 14-15 décembre 1999.
  100. Yannick Jullien, Cécile Defrance, Pierre Nugues, Principes pour une réalité virtuelle à visée thérapeutique, Application aux troubles du comportement alimentaire, in: actes des Journées Réalité Virtuelle et Cognition, coordonnateurs Alain Grumbach et Nadine Richard, pp. 87-96, ENST, Paris, 14-15 décembre 1999.
  101. Pierre Nugues, Verbal and Written Interaction in Virtual Worlds, Some application examples, In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Twente Workshop on Language Technology, Anton Nijholt, Olaf Donk, and Betsy van Dijk eds., pp. 137-145, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, May 1999. [doc.gz] [html] [pdf].
  102. Fabrice Tabordet, Fabrice Pied, Pierre Nugues, Delegating and Synchronising Actions from Natural Language Texts in a Virtual Environment, in: Proceedings of Collaborative Virtual Environments 1998, CVE'98, University of Manchester, June 1998, pp. 141-142.
  103. Wolfgang Arndt, Helen Ashman, Chris Campion, Robert Massen, Pierre Nugues, Tom De Paepe, Marinette Revenu, Bernadette Sharp, Multimedia by Multimedia: A European Inter-University Project, Electronic Proceedings of NTICF'98, Rouen, 1998.
  104. Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre-Olivier El-Guedj, Frédéric Revolta, Pierre Nugues, Ulysse: An Interactive Spoken Dialogue Interface to Navigate in Virtual Worlds, Lexical, Syntactic, and Semantic Issues, in: Proceedings of the International Conference From Desktop to Webtop: Virtual Environments on the Internet, WWW and Networks , Bradford, 14-17 April 1997.
  105. Matthias Ludwig, Alexandre Lenoir, Pierre Nugues, A Conversational Agent to Navigate into MRI Brain Images, in: Proceedings Interfaces 97, 6th International Conference, Montpellier, 28-30 mai 1997, pp. 207-210. [doc.gz] [pdf].
  106. Olivier Bersot, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre Nugues, A Conversational Agent to Help Navigation and Collaboration in Virtual Worlds, in: Proceedings of Collaborative Virtual Environments 1996, CVE' 96, University of Nottingham, September 1996.
  107. Pierre Nugues, Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Frédéric Revolta, A Conversational Agent to Navigate in Virtual Worlds, In Proceedings of the Eleventh Twente Workshop on Language Technology, Susann LuperFoy, Anton Nijholt, and Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten eds., pp. 23-33, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, June 1996. [doc.gz] [html] [pdf].
  108. Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Pierre Nugues, Un analyseur syntaxique combinant plusieurs formalismes au sein d'un chart hiérarchique, in: Actes du Colloque RÉCITAL '96, Dourdan, septembre 1996, pp. 83-91.
  109. Pierre-Olivier El-Guedj, Pierre Nugues, A Chart Parser to Analyze Large Medical Corpora, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 16, no 2, 1994, pp. 1404-1405. [doc] [pdf].
  110. Christophe Godéreaux, Korinna Diebel, Pierre-Olivier El-Guedj, Frédéric Revolta, Pierre Nugues, An Interactive Spoken Dialogue Interface in Virtual Worlds, CSCW SIG Seminar on Linguistic Concepts and Methods in CSCW, London, November 1994. (A modified version appeared in October 1996, Springer, London).
  111. Frédéric Cazenave, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Christophe Godéreaux et Pierre Nugues, Un système de dialogue oral guidé pour la génération de comptes rendus médicaux , 9e congrès de l'AFCET-INRIA, Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence artificielle, Vol. 2, Paris, janvier 1994, pp. 79-88. [doc] [html] [pdf]
  112. Pierre Nugues, Christophe Godéreaux, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Frédéric Cazenave, Question Answering in an Oral Dialogue System, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 15, no 2, 1993, pp. 590-591. [doc] [pdf].
  113. Pierre Nugues, Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Frédéric Cazenave, Bernard de Ferrière, Issues in the Design of a Voice Man Machine Dialogue System Generating Written Medical Reports, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 14, no 3, 1992, pp. 842-844. [doc] [pdf].
  114. Pierre Nugues, Emmanuel Bellegarde, Hugues Coci, Rémy Pontier, Pierre Trognon, A Voice Man Machine Dialogue System Generating Written Medical Reports, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 13, no 3, 1991, pp. 1272-1273. [doc] [pdf].
  115. Pierre Nugues, Jean-Paul Haton, Un système multi-experts pour l'interprétation d'images d'électrophorèses , 7e congrès de l'AFCET-INRIA, Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence artificielle, 1989, Paris, Tome 1, pp. 99-113.
  116. Jean-Louis Amat, Pierre Nugues, Jacques Blanquart, Gilles Grenier, Recalage automatique d'objets cartographiques dans une image. Application au recalage radar/carte, 7e congrès de l'AFCET-INRIA, Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence artificielle, 1989, Paris, Tome 2, pp. 803-816.
  117. Pierre Nugues, Robert Whalen, Jean-Paul Haton, Apprentissage symbolique et interprétation de gels d'électrophorèses bidimensionnelles , Actes du Congrès INRIA, Analyse des données, Apprentissage de connaissances symboliques-numériques, Complément, pp. 31-40, 11-14 septembre 1989, Antibes, repris dans les Rapports de Recherche de l'INRIA no 1128.
  118. Pierre Nugues, Josiane Steinmetz, Jean-Paul Haton, Marie-Madeleine Galteau, Gérard Siest, New Perspectives in Data Bases Query Using Artificial Intelligence, Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis, ed. by A.T. Endler and S. Hanash, November 8-11, 1988, Vienne, Autriche, VCH Verlag, pp. 58-62.
  119. Pierre Nugues, Josiane Steinmetz, Jean-Paul Haton, Marie-Madeleine Galteau, Gérard Siest, Using Artificial Intelligence in 2-D Electrophoresis Experiments, Sixth Meeting of The International Electrophoresis Society, ELECTROPHORESIS '88, 4th-7th July 1988, Copenhague, pp. 336-343, University of Copenhagen, Distributor VCH Verlag, repris dans les Rapports de Recherche de l'INRIA no 921.

^Mémoires de thèse

  1. Pierre Nugues, Agents informatiques interactifs, Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des recherches de l'université de Caen, 29 octobre 1997, 129 pages. [doc.gz] [pdf].
  2. Pierre Nugues, Interprétation de gels d'électrophorèses bidimensionnelles, Thèse de doctorat d'informatique de l'université de Nancy I, 21 mars 1989, Nancy, disponible à l'INRIA, 154 pages.

^Notes de cours

  1. Pierre Nugues, Systèmes d'exploitation, réseaux et systèmes répartis, Notes de cours de l'ISMRA et du DESS Automatique & Informatique Industrielle de l'Université de Caen, 200 pages. Ces notes comprennent la description des processus, du système de fichiers, de la mémoire, des entrées-sorties, des réseaux informatiques et des systèmes répartis. Elles comprennent un ensemble de travaux pratiques correspondants. [doc] [pdf].
  2. Pierre Nugues, Prolog et la programmation logique, Notes de cours de l'ISMRA, 35 pages environ. [doc] [html].
  3. Pierre Nugues, Une introduction à l'informatique linguistique en Prolog, Notes de cours de l'ISMRA. [doc] [html].

^Directions de travaux

Thèses de doctorat

  1. Marcus Klang, Infrastructure, entity resolution, and question answering, In progress
  2. Dennis Medved, Deep Learning Applications for Biomedical Data and Natural Language Processing, Lunds universitet, PhD, September 17, 2018
  3. Håkan Jonsson, From Signal to Social: Steps Towards Pervasive Social Context, Lunds universitet, PhD, September 7, 2018
  4. Dennis Medved, Applications of Machine Learning on Natural Language Processing and Biomedical Data, Lunds universitet, May 5, 2017. Licentiate Thesis.
  5. Peter Exner, Constructing Large Multilingual Databases, Lunds universitet, PhD, October 14, 2016
  6. Peter Exner, Large Scale Natural Language Processing – Applications and Frameworks, Lunds universitet, January 16, 2014. Licentiate Thesis.
  7. Richard Johansson, Dependency-based Semantic Analysis of Natural-language Text, Lunds universitet, December 5, 2008. PhD thesis [pdf].
  8. Richard Johansson, Natural Language Processing Methods for Automatic Illustration of Text , Lunds universitet, 2006. Lic. thesis [pdf].
  9. Dominique Dutoit, Quelques opérations texte-->sens et texte-->sens-->texte utilisant une sémantique universaliste apriorique , soutenue le 30 novembre 2000 à l'université de Caen. [doc].
  10. Christophe Godéreaux, Un modèle d'agent conversationnel pour naviguer dans les mondes virtuels, soutenue le 7 janvier 1997 à l'université de Caen. [doc] [pdf] [zip].
  11. Pierre-Olivier El Guedj, Analyse syntaxique par charts combinant règles de dépendance et règles syntagmatiques , soutenue le 10 septembre 1996 à l'université de Caen. [doc] [pdf] [zip].

MSc Theses or Diplomarbeiten

  1. Marcus Klang, Nedforia: A Tool for Automatic Named Entity Disambiguation, Msc. thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2013. [pdf]
  2. Marcus Stamborg, Statistical coreference resolving in a multi-language domain, Msc. thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2012. [pdf]
  3. Dennis Medved. Combining Text Semantics and Image Geometry to Identify Relations, Msc. thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2012. [pdf]
  4. Alejandro Machado. Recognizing artist ambiguity with machine learning techniques, Msc. thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2012. [pdf]
  5. Andreas Salomonsson. Entity-based information retrieval, Msc. thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2012. [pdf]
  6. Jimmy Pettersson. Contextual text classification for parametric mappings in a distributed search engine, Msc. thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2011. [pdf]
  7. Rasmus Sundberg and Anders Eriksson, Visualizing Sentiment Analysis on a User Forum, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2011. [pdf]
  8. Peter Exner, Constructing Large Proposition Databases, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2011. [pdf]
  9. Maj Stenmark, Integration of semantic knowledge to enable re-use of robot programs, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, 2011. [pdf]
  10. Tobias Ek and Camilla Kirkegaard, Named Entity Extraction from Text Messages, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, NatFak, 2010. [pdf]
  11. Christofer Bach and Johan Gunnarsson, Extraction of Trends in SMS text, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, June 2010. [pdf]
  12. Simon Lindholm, A speech recognition system for Swedish running on Android, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, June 2010. [pdf] [slides]
  13. Erik Strandh, Polyphonic Pitch Modification Using Phase Vocoder Techniques, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, NatFak, March 2010. [pdf]
  14. Christian Larsson, Using material from Internet as a Corpus, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, September 2009. [pdf]
  15. Anders Björkelund and Love Hafdell, High-performance multilingual semantic role labeling, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, NatFak, May 2009. [pdf] [slides]
  16. Peter Nilsson, An experimental study of Nivre's parser, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, NatFak, May 2009. [pdf]
  17. Niclas Reisnert, Taligenkänning i en flygledningssimulator-miljö, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, NatFak, May 2009. [pdf]
  18. Mitch Selander and Erik Svensson, Predictive text input engine for Indic scripts, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, LTH, March 2009. [pdf]
  19. Sebastian Ganslandt and Jakob Jörwall, Context-aware predictive text entry for Swedish using semantics and syntax, MSc. Thesis, Lunds universitet, January 2009. [pdf]
  20. Magnus Höjer, Phonetic text input for Indic scripts, Examensarbete, Lunds universitet, December 2008. [pdf]
  21. Dan Thorin, A multilingual semantic dependency parser for texts of legislation in the domain of Value Added Tax (VAT) , Lunds universitet, Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, MSc. Thesis, October 2008. [pdf].
  22. Jacob Persson, Textkategorisering med predikat--argument--strukturer, Lunds universitet, Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, MSc. Thesis, September 2008. [pdf].
  23. Jonas Ekedahl, Danish Natural Language Processing in Automated Categorization, Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, March 2008. [pdf].
  24. Patrik Hansson, Soundex-algoritmer. Hur bra fungerar de på svenska namn? Lunds universitet, Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, MSc. Thesis, March 2008. [pdf].
  25. Jonas Thulin, Machine learning-based classifiers in the Direkt Profil grammatical profiling system, Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, januari 2007. [pdf]
  26. Fabian Kostadinov, Direkt Profil - Implementation of a text critiquing system for non-native students of French. Diplomarbeit, Universität Zürich. April 2005. [pdf]
  27. Magnus Danielsson, Maskininlärningsbaserad koreferensbestämning för nominalfraser applicerat på svenska texter , Lunds universitet, NatFak, MSc. Thesis, januari 2005. [pdf]
  28. Anders Berglund, Extracting Temporal Information and Ordering Events for Swedish, Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, October 2004. [pdf].
  29. David Williams, A Program to Generate 3D Animated Graphics of Car Accidents from an XML Template, Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, September 2004. [pdf].
  30. Lisa Persson, Direkt Profil: Ett verktyg för morfologisk analys av skriven inlärarfranska, Lunds universitet, NatFak, MSc. Thesis, augusti 2004. [pdf].
  31. Richard Johansson, Knowledge Representation in a Text-to-Scene Conversion System, Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, September 2003. [pdf].
  32. Per Andersson, A Prototype to Extract and Visualize Information from Car Accident Reports in Swedish, Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, September 2003. [pdf].
  33. Ola Åkerberg, Hans Svensson, Development and Integration of Linguistic Components for an Automatic Text-to-Scene Conversion System , Lunds universitet, LTH, MSc. Thesis, August 2002. [doc] [pdf].
  34. Bastian Schulz, Development of an Interface and Visualization Components for a Text-to-Scene Converter, Studienarbeit, Lunds universitet, LTH and TU Hamburg-Harburg, August 2002. [doc] [pdf].
  35. Arjan Egges, Generating a 3D Simulation of a Car Accident from a Formal Description: the CarSim System, Projet d'ingénieur, Université de la Twente, Hollande, juillet 2000.
  36. Manuel García-Muñoz, Simplification polygonale de modèles géométriques de mondes virtuels, Projet de fin d'études, École technique supérieure d'ingénieurs en télécommunications, Université Polytechnique de Valence, Espagne, septembre 1999.
  37. Christopher Scott, A Natural Language Interface For User Navigation In A Virtual World, Final Year Dissertation, BSc, Université de Nottingham, juin 1999.
  38. Axel Gönner, Pricing of Options, FH Konstanz, April 1998.
  39. Darryl Artt, Information Extraction with Applications to Car Accident Reports, Master of Science Dissertation, Staffordshire University, 1998.
  40. Matthias Ludwig, Manipulation von Gehirnbildern mit gesprochener Sprache, FH Ravensburg-Weingarten, Oktober 1996.
  41. Korinna Diebel, Entwicklung eines Dialogsystems für eine virtuelle Konferenz, FH Konstanz, August 1994.

Diplômes d'études approfondies

  1. Raphaël Berthelon, Calcul sémantique avec le Sémiographe, Université de Caen et ISMRA, septembre 1998. (Avec Dominique Dutoit).
  2. Marc Bittar, Une analyse syntaxique évolutive, Université de Caen et ISMRA, septembre 1998. (Avec Dominique Dutoit).
  3. Cornelia Stratulat, Analyse syntaxique utilisant des motifs, Université de Caen, septembre 1997. (Avec Dominique Dutoit).
  4. Fabrice Tabordet, MAIF 3D, Université de Caen, septembre 1997. (Avec Patrice Enjalbert).
  5. Olivier Bersot, Navigation dans les mondes virtuels : Planification d'actions et animation graphique, Université de Caen, septembre 1996. [doc].
  6. Frédéric Revolta-Bleaudeau, Navigation dans les mondes virtuels : Résolution des références, raisonnement géométrique et exécution d'actions , Université de Caen, septembre 1995. [doc].

^Présentations dans le cadre de COST-14

  1. Pierre Nugues, Interactive Spoken Dialogue in Virtual Worlds, University of Nottingham, janvier 1995.
  2. Pierre Nugues, Three Examples of Oral Communication in Virtual Worlds, KTH, Stockholm, avril 1995.
  3. Pierre Nugues, A Conversational Agent to Navigate in Virtual Environments, Universiteit Gent et Université de Namur, août 1995.
  4. Les minutes et les agendas de ces réunions sont disponibles sur le serveur Web du département d'informatique de l'Université de Nottingham.


  1. Pierre Nugues, Un système de présentation, de segmentation et de lecture d'annonces d'offre d'emploi , Direction Jean-Paul Haton, CRIN, Rapport de DEA, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, 1986, 50 pages environ.
  2. Pierre Nugues, Approximation de spots d'électrophorèses bi-dimensionnelles, Direction Philippe Garderet, LÉTI-CEA, Grenoble, Rapport de stage de fin d'études, ENST, 1984, 50 pages environ.
  3. Pierre Nugues, Les neurones sensoriels efférents, Direction Nicolas Franceschini, CNRS Marseille, Rapport de dossier long, ENST, 1984, 50 pages environ.