Mobile Computer Graphics - EDA075/DATN01
This course will not run in 2011. It will be replaced with EDAN35 High performance Computer Graphics.
A zip file with most of the RenderChimp projects from 2009 is on the projects page.
Results for the exam on 2009-12-15 are on the Datavetenskap noticeboard on the 2nd floor.
Fall 2009 (HT2). This course will be given in English.
Three-dimensional graphics on mobile devices will change (and is changing) the visual content on mobile phones, portable game consoles (PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, etc), PDAs (personal digital assistants) with a quantum leap. Recent mobile phones have programmable vertex shaders and pixel shaders. Still, mobile devices have very limited resources, both in computational power and memory bandwidth. Furthermore, they are powered by batteries, and hence power-efficient algorithms must be considered when developing for mobile devices. In this course, we will dive into the new, exciting area of mobile computer graphics.
"Linear Algebra" and "EDA027 Algorithms and Data Structures". It is also recommended (but not required) that you have taken "EDA221/DATE12 Computer Graphics".
The formal description of the course is available via KA. The description there is not very accurate, and will be replaced later on.
Michael Doggett, mike at, responsible for the course, and main lecturer
Magnus Andersson, magnusa at, teaching assistant
For 2009 the project will be done using OpenGL ES 2.0 targeting the iPod Touch/iPhone3GS Platform
There will be a written exam on the 15th of December, 14:00-19:00, in MA9A,B,C.
The Retake exam for Mobile Graphics will be 8th of April, 2010, location MA10A.
Compulsory Literature
- The notes called "[Mobile] Graphics Hardware" by Tomas Akenine-Möller are included in the course. The notes follow the lectures closely.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Edge Functions and Triangle Traversal
Chapter 3: Interpolation - Chapter 4: Fragment Processing (chapter not finished; see slides on Zmin/ZMax instead (includes rasterization equation etc))
- Chapter 5: Texturing (includes Section 5.5: General Caching).
- Chapter 6: Culling Algorithms
- Chapter 7: Buffer Compression (chapter not finished; see "Efficient Depth Buffer Compression" below)
- Chapter 8: Screen-space Antialiasing (chapter not finished; see "A Family of Inexpensive Sampling Schemes" below)
- Appendix A: Fixed-Point Mathematics
- Bibliography
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- "Efficient Depth Buffer Compression", by Hasselgren and Akenine-Möller, Graphics Hardware 2006.
- "The Design and Analysis of a Cache Architecture for Texture Mapping", by Hakura and Gupta, ISCA'97.
- "Prefetching in a Texture Cache Architecture", by Igehy et al. Workshop on Graphics Hardware 1998.
- iPACKMAN Texture Compression, Graphics Hardware 2005.
- Fenney, "Texture Compression using Low-Frequency Signal Modulation", Graphics Hardware 2003.
- Hasselgren et al., A Family of Inexpensive Sampling Schemes, 2005.
- The lecture slides are also included as well as the assignments.
Misc useful links
- There is a Forum page for the course to discuss the course, assignments and project. Assignment 2 Forum page.
- You can sign up for the labs here.
- A great book with an introduction to 3D Computer Graphics and an introduction to Mobile Graphics is Mobile 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES and M3G by Kari Pulli, Tomi Aarnio, Ville Miettinen, Kimmo Roimela, Jani Vaarala
- A book about OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming by Aaftab Munshi, Dan Ginsburg and Dave Shreiner.
- An introduction to the OpenGL ES 2.0 shading language.
- The OpenGL ES 2.0 specification and details. Local link to the spec.
- The Imagination Technologies OpenGL ES 2.0 SDK for the PowerVR SGX used in the iPhone 3GS/iPod Touch.
- A great book and web site for Computer Graphics in general is Real-Time Rendering
- There was a course on Mobile 3D Applications at SIGGRAPH 2005. Lots of useful information on M3G and OpenGL ES.
- A simple OpenGL program: for those who feel that they need to play around a little bit with OpenGL.
- A great paper with the details about what's inside a GPU, "Neon: A (Big) (Fast) Single-Chip 3D Workstation Graphics Accelerator" This paper is dated in terms of the size and capacity of the chip, many of the concepts are timeless.
Old exams
- Exam from 2006-10-20 and a solution.
- Exam from 2007-10-16 and a solution.