
Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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EASE Activity Report 2009: Heading for excellence


The need for innovation, research, and highly skilled software engineers has never been bigger than today in the software industry. Collaboration between universities and industry is one of  the most important success factors for companies to stay competitive in the future. EASE combines industry relevant research and academic excellence. The mutual exchange of people, challenges, ideas and results provides an exciting environment for novel solutions for embedded software applications.

During 2009 much effort has been put into scaling up activities and recruit new employees. Thus, at year-end 2009, thirteen senior researchers and six PhD students are working within EASE. During the year we have also established procedures for frequent interaction between the industry partners and researcher and strengthened the foundation for the exchange that is one of the main objectives of the center. An exchange that is starting to spread research findings in both industry and academia.

This annual report summarises the EASE research 2009. These findings we, where possible, will make available at our public web pages. But the best way to share the results are, of course, to join EASE, and that way participate in formulating the research questions. Therefore, we now intensify our efforts to attract more partners and thus expand.

While 2008 was a year of start-up and designing ways of working and 2009 was a year of scaling up and start to deliver. Focus for 2010 is yet more of delivering, broadening the industry base and to found studies for coming eight years of EASE.


Per Runeson,
Director of Research

Sten Minör,
EASE Interim Board Chairman




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