
Lunds Tekniska Högskola

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Exercise: Project Planning

A Preparation

Read the following:

  • Chapter 4 in Jalote

B General assignments

The intention is that the following assignments should be discussed in the project groups. You should discuss every question and write down answers on paper. The teacher will lead a discussion for every question, in which all groups should be prepared to participate.

Assignment P.1
Consider the example project in assignment R2. List project risks for this project. Consider the following risk cathegories:

  • Technology
  • People
  • Organization
  • Tools
  • Requirements
  • Estimation

Assignment P.2
a) Suggest avoidance strategies for the risks identified in P.1.
b) Suggest minimizitation strategies for the risks identified in P.1.

Assignment P.3 
Suggest and discuss contingency plans for the risks identified in P.1. Can you find any principal diferencees between these and those from P.2?

Assignment P.4
The "veckoschema 2014" in the course compendium is based on a mix of project roles, and groups [column 2]. Could you imagine other categories, aspects or concepts in the second column? What granularity do we need in order to estimate work time (≈cost)?

Assignment P.5 
This exercise focuses mostly on risk management and stakeholders (P.6). What other important tasks are carried out by a project manager?

C Project related assignments

The intention of these assignments are that you should work with your own requirements specification during the exercise. You also have the possibility to discuss your requirements with the exercise leader.

Assignment P.6
If the bike garage would be a real industry project, identify five different key stakeholder stakeholders, at least one internal and one external, and briefly explain their interest in the project.

Describe briefly thereafter (preferably in a matrix stakeholder group x document) if, and if so for what reason, each stakeholder group may need to access and thus also to understand the following documents / artifacts:

  • Requirement specification (SRS)
  • Review Report of requirements specifications (SRS-R)
  • Project plan (PP)
  • Design Document (DD)
  • Test Plan (TP)
  • Test Specification (TS)
  • Review Report for test specifications (TS-R)
  • Test Report (TR)
  • Source code (SC)
  • Binary (compiled computer program) (B)
Document / artefactStakeholder:
Stakeholder 2Stakeholder 3Stakeholder 4Stakeholder 5

Need to understand and discuss what she is buying.
Part of contract.


Assignment P.7
Start out the risk management process as described in chapter 4.4 in [Jalote]. In the project plan there should be a list of risks and strategies to deal with them.

Assignment P.8
Your main activities and milestones for the project are already set. Based on your knowledge about high-level requirements and architecture these top-level activities may be broken down into more detailed activities, see chapter 4.6 in [Jalote]. Do that. Use any estimation strategy to estimate the effort needed for the activities in your project.  Are the workload of each team member reasonable? How is the distribution of effort over time? Discuss and decide on how your project should structure and document document your plans.