Functional Programming
Course News VT25:
01.03.2025: This page will cease to exist SOON. Do not rely on it. The only valid info will be available via canvas. This page WILL NOT BE updated for 2025.
This course has common lectures together with EDAF95 Basics of Functional Programming.
The course consists of lectures (optional), three programming assignments (mandatory) and classes (optional). The schema will follow the one available in timeedit, i.e., fourteen meetings, mostly on Mondays and Wednesdays, 13-15.
IMPORTANT! I sincerely expect that the following reminder is not necessary: the department has defined a policy against plagiarism of any kind, in particular in case of the course work. You may find it following these links: Samarbete eller fusk (in Swedish) and Cooperation or Plagiarism (in English).
The picture above is taken from
31.5.2019 There is an error in the answer to question 5b in 2018 EDAN40 exam (Ord [a]). Sorry for that. The resulting order is not lexicographic. Sorry.
20.10.2015: Some serious press writes about Haskell usage. And another functional programming goodie from the same source.
1.10.2013: A fresh view on Haskell. Enjoy.
1.10.2013: Please note that during the exam you will be given a "cheat sheet" with some Prelude functions, probably all the functions you would need during the exam (maybe except bind:-).
18.12.2011: Some of you have asked about utility of Haskell in "real life". I have just received a link (thanks Christoffer!) to an interesting press release, with, among others, the following piece:
“We are one of the first companies in the world to base our whole product on Haskell. Today Haskell is mainly used for limited applications such as in algorithms developed by Wall Street banks and for US government top security storage, applications where reliability is key. We chose Haskell because we see quality as a top priority. By choosing Haskell, a mathematical language with a steep learning curve, we were hoping to attract the best technical people from around the globe.”, says Lukas Duczko, CEO and founder of Scrive.
(N.B. in March 2024 the company still exists and seems to thrive. 12 years so far!)
3.11.2011: I have been asked about debugging in Haskell. Probably a good starting point for finding more info is