Computer Science

Faculty of Engineering, LTH

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Project in Computer Science - EDAN70 and EDAN90

Academic year 2023/2024

In the academic year 2023/2024 the instances of EDAN70/90 we will offer projects in the areas listed below.

2023 - lp2

2024 - lp4

Intro meeting Monday March 18th, 15-17.

The following topics might be possible for a limited number of students

Academic year 2022/2023

In the academic year 2022/2023 the instances of EDAN70/90 we will offer projects in the areas listed below.

2022 - lp2

For late registrations, get in contact with the contact person for the respective area to see if there is place.

2023 - lp4

Intro meeting Monday March 20th, 15-17 in E:2116. Contact Jacek Malec in case of questions.


EDAN90: Advanced project in computer science

EDAN90 is similar to EDAN70, but has higher requirements on the oral presentation and written report, to follow academic standards within the subarea. To take EDAN90, you need to first have completed EDAN70. EDAN90 offers projects in the same areas as EDAN70.

Formal course plan in English and in Swedish.

Course facts

Credits: 7.5 hp, Advanced level

Study periods: HT1, HT2 and VT2


Elective for:
D4, C4, E4, F4, Pi4

Course responsible:


Student representatives: TBA

Formal course plan EDAN70: In English and på svenska

Formal course plan EDAN90: In English and på svenska.